The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: Updates On The Situation After The Farcical "Ceasefire" Has Come Into Effect

It has now been over a week since the good guys, the Syrian army and their Russian and Arabic allies, had agreed to a new "ceasefire" to, or as the criminal US and their Jew spew media claims, curb a "humanitarian crisis" in Syria.... And as I had predicted very correctly, it is indeed a FARCE... The criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal has always wanted these bullshit "ceasefires" to not only save their fraud "terrorists" from annihilation, but to give themselves time to be rearmed and re-deploy to continue the fight and to continue to slaughter Syrian civilians.....Well, I really do not like being right about this, but once again the "ceasefire" is proving to be not only a farce, but once again the US is absolutely NOT living up to the terms in the agreement...For according to the following link to an article from The Real Syrian Free Press, at, apparently the Syrian army has been absolutely observing and abiding by the conditions laid out in the "ceasefire", while the American bought and paid for mercenaries that make up the fraud "terrorist" groups are absolutely not! Here is the link to that article for everyone to read for themselves: OK, I will not say to everyone that "I told you so", but yes, in previous articles I stated clearly that this entire ceasefire is nothing but a charade much like previous "ceasefires" before it....And in fact here is another article from The Syrian Free Press that shows how the US bought and paid for mercenaries are indeed "breaching" the fraud "ceasefire" agreement, and that the US itself has "lost control" of these so called "moderate terrorists" and is allowing them to continue their attacks on not only the Syrian army but Syrian civilians themselves... Here is the link to that article: Lets face reality here.... There is NO "moderate terrorists" here, period... They are ALL being run fully by the US through the CIA, and are made up of not only mercenaries, but bought and paid for CIA and even Mossad agents out of Israel... This twist of lies by the criminal US government that they only support "moderate terrorists" is such a lie and a slap in the face to anyone with even a margin of intelligence... This type of lying shows how LOW the US government itself has sunk in their levels of criminality and murder... The facts are once again that the US is LYING its ass off and has absolutely NO intentions to ever follow the "ceasefire" agreement at all..... The Russians and the Syrians on the other hand are trying their best to show the world that they are indeed not the criminals in this fight for Syria at all, and are in fact doing their best to save the Syrian people from the destruction and death being inflicted on them by the US's criminal and murderous bought and paid for mercenaries.... And again I must reiterate that there are NO "terrorist" in this fight for Syria, only US/Israeli agents and mercenaries that have one goal only, which is to destroy Syria for their pay masters and to have Assad permanently removed from power....Here is the reality of the situation in Syria... The Russians and Syrians have been suckered and lied to twice now this year into the false belief that they should agree to "ceasefires" to try to prevent a humanitarian crisis in Syria when the reality is the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal have been the ones that created the "crisis" in the first place!   Now twice the cabal has used these "ceasefire" respites to rearm and redistribute their so called "rebels" and "terrorists" to continue the fight to dismember Syria and slaughter Syrian civilians....The reality should be that the good guys must now see the truth that all "ceasefire" agreements with pure evil such as the US and Israel are worthless.... The good guys should never ever make agreements with these criminals but instead finish the job and destroy the mercenaries and US/Israeli operatives and finally free the Syrian nation for the Syrian people....More to comeNTS