The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: Updates On Present Situation, And I Was Right About The Kurds And US Committing Genocide In Raqqa!

It has been about a week since my last report on the situation in Syria... But once again the news could not be any better for the good guys in that war aka the Syrian Government Forces (SAA) and their Allies.... I figure I would cover some of the major issues in that continuing war for the Syrians freeing themselves from the evil cabal here..First, we have the situation in eastern Hama province, where the fraud "ISIS terrorist" forces aka the US bought and paid for mercenaries, are now hopelessly trapped in the ever shrinking pocket entered around the Syrian village of Uqayribat.... The SAA and their Russian allies have been pummelling the "terrorists" still trapped in that pocket and have been making rapid gains along the ground over the last few days in not only shrinking the pocket, but seizing important centres within the pocket that make further defence by "ISIS" impossible...In fact the news gets better and better, for according to a new report that comes from the Southfront website at, the SAA did indeed today seize the important key town of Uqayribat located right smack in the middle of that pocket!  Here is the link to that report from Southfront here for all to see for themselves: seizure of Uqayribat is key to this battle, for with that important village and crossroads in SAA hands, the further defence of the entire pocket becomes untenable and it will be only a matter of a few days now before "ISIS" is either forced to surrender en-mass or be wiped out completely!   And with the fall of "ISIS" in Uqayribat, it means SAA forces can be freed up to commit to the advance eastward to relieve Deir Ez-Zor.....The situation in eastern Syria has seen in recent days a major counteroffensive by the US "ISIS" mercenaries, especially along the Euphrates River in southern Raqqa province.. And I do want to present the latest report about this seesaw battle between "ISIS" and the SAA Tiger Forces, from the following link from the Southfront website as well for everyone to see for themselves here:, So what we see now is the fraud of "ISIS" going "all in" in their last ditch attempts to prevent the SAA from advancing directly into Deir Ez-Zor itself...  But what we see here is only a "delay" for "ISIS" has not the strength now to prevent the SAA advance, and again with the clearing of the Uqayribat pocket, more SAA forces can now be committed to this battle front and the advance for the relief of Deir Ez-Zor will be on again....I have also been watching and reading the reports coming from both the alternative media and the liars in the Jew spew media concerning the so called "liberation" of the city of al-Raqqa, and I am not swaying from my statement that this is NOT a battle between the US backed Kurds in the SDF, but a war of genocide against civilians and civilian fighters... And I found further evidence today that backs up everything that I have been stating about al-Raqqa, through the following report from the Anti War website, at Here is the link to that startling report that shows how the US is inflicting horrific casualties on the civilians in al-Raqqa!:, Can anyone else see the bullshit here coming from the US government in regards to the civilians holed up in al-Raqqa?  These monsters have the nerve to call every single civilian trapped in al-Raqqa "human shields"!  Honestly, human shields my ass! What we have here is purposeful and blatant genocide being committed by both the US and the Kurds who absolutely want every single Arab living in Al-Raqqa wiped out as part of the sickness of "ethnic cleansing"!    I was wondering when the hell the United Nations would take note of the massive atrocities and outright murders being committed by these monsters in al-Raqqa?I said before that al-Raqqa was EMPTY of "ISIS" fighters since the beginning of April when the US military themselves evacuated every single one of these "terrorists" and sent them south to fight in and around Deir Ez-Zor... I can guarantee that many of those evacuated fighters have now been rearmed with US taxpayer paid for weapons and are involved in that counterattack in southern Raqqa province we see now....  AND what it means is that the only "enemy" left in al-Raqqa that the Kurds and the US are presently destroying are indeed civilians and civilian militia fighters....Well, there you have it... Some key information about the present situation in Syria.... BUT I left out one other tidbit that came my way just in the last few hours, and it concerns the fraud "rebels" that are presently holed up in Idlib province in northwestern Syria... Apparently there is as always no friendship amongst criminals, as according to this report that also comes from the Southfront website, the two fraud US backed and supported "rebel" groups that make up the Idlib pocket are now at each other's throats and are on the verge of a "civil war" for control of that pocket!  Here is the link to that report here: is great.. And actually a real laugher.. For now the "rebels" are fighting amongst each other and hopefully will wipe each other out and thus make the job of the freeing of all of Syria much easier for the SAA!   We can only hope....Yes, the situation continues to change in Syria.... But as it stands now, the SAA is indeed well on their way to freeing ALL of Syria from the criminal cabal and their fraud "terrorists and rebels"..... The only problem that I can see is what will happen after this September 25th when apparently the Kurds in northern Iraq may have the gall to declare their "independence", and attempt to create a bonafide Kurdish state which may also include the Kurdish area of occupation in northern Syria.... Here is the link to that report from Reuters here: that referendum does happen and the vote is "Yes", and the Kurds attempt their independence, then we could see this war in Syria turn rapidly after September 25th into a full regional war involving Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Iran against the criminal US/Israel backed Kurdish state....  We shall indeed see what happens in 24 more days...More to comeNTS