The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: Updates On Present Situation, And Important Interview With Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad

The evacuation of the so called "terrorists" from what is left of the eastern Aleppo pocket is FINALLY taking place... After they were supposed to give up and allow themselves to be "evacuated" from the eastern Aleppo pocket, they suddenly reneged on the agreements to the "ceasefire" and restarted their hopeless resistance to the Syrian government forces... It became a debacle over the last few days, culminating in a vain night attack just last night to try to break through the forces surrounding the pocket... Now with no real hope in sight, these criminals are finally going to get on the buses provided for their evacuation and get out of Aleppo.... Yes, the liberation of Aleppo has finally taken place, although as usual the criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal tried one last evil action in a vain attempt to prevent their defeat....And of course with the fall of Aleppo, we are now witnessing the scourge and liars in our governments and the Jew spew media try to portray the liberation of Aleppo as a "murderous" campaign by the Syrian government forces.... I spent part of yesterday actually looking at some of the fraud bullshit reports over at that propaganda network called "CNN" for just one hour yesterday, and I had to turn their garbage off in disgust... These pathetic liars were once again trying to woo their declining audience with pictures of "victims" of alleged "Syrian government atrocities" in Aleppo!  Almost the entire hour was spent with fraudulent interviews with alleged "victims" of these "atrocities" and pictures of rubble and devastation in Aleppo, with claims that ALL of that devastation was again done by the Syrian government forces... Nowhere in that entire hour did any of the hosts or "interviewees" lay any claim that the death and destruction was caused by the so called "rebels"!   It was pathetic, and disgusting... It does again show the reality that the first casualty in any war is always the truth...To show how we are all suffering from the incessant propaganda and bullshit from our own media, and that the real truths about Syria are never told to the general public, I want to present the following article from the Real Syrian Free Press online website, at, that shows how the Jew spew media does indeed lie their asses off and absolutely never has told the truth about the entire war on Syria, and especially about what is currently happening in and around Aleppo.....It is entitled: "Western Mainstream Media And Their Faked News From Aleppo", and I have the link to that imporatnt report right here for everyone to see for themselves:, While the situation in Aleppo is FINALLY clearing up, and the city is now free of the scourge of US/Israel/NATO operatives... We have the continuing debacle in and around the central Syrian city of Palmyra, where the news is presently not so good for the Syrian government forces and their Russian allies...Here in fact is the latest report from the South Front website, at, where the Tyas airbase just west of Palmyra is now surrounded by these US/Israeli bought and paid for mercenaries and operatives better known as "ISIS"... Here is that link:, WITH the recent US report that the US government will be now flooding as much weapons as possible into the hands of these criminals, the situation in Syria is once again volatile as the criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal is indeed trying to turn the tide after their devastating loss of Aleppo.... They have also now definitely redeployed their operatives that were "rescued" from the Mosul, Iraq area and have used them to launch this new offensive against Palmyra.... It appears however that all is not lost as the Syrians and the Russians have definitely stated in recent articles that they will indeed now be turning their attention to Palmyra and will be working towards the retaking of that important city soon...And while that has all been going on, the rightful President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, just the other day conducted an important interview with Russia Today to give his assessment of the fight to have his nation freed from the cabal scourge and operatives....Here in fact is the video of that interview for everyone to see for themselves, here:NTS Notes:  I for one agree with President Assad and his honest assessment of the present situation in Syria, and especially his honest opinion that the Jew spew media is ruined and is suffering from "moral decay"... The facts are that with the Jewish control over ALL of our media, there is nothing honest with them at all, and they indeed are nothing more than pure lies and indeed "moral decay"!Yes, the situation in Syria is now entering a new phase, especially with the liberation of Aleppo... Again, with the Syrian government now in full control over most of the major population centers in Syria itself, unless the cabal has more tricks up their evil sleeves, the eventual outcome to the Syrian war will be the nation freed of their scourge and rightfully returned to the Syrian people themselves.... But that final victory will indeed take much longer than anyone has expected...More to comeNTS