The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: Updates On Present Situation

The Syrian war against the criminal cabal that wants that innocent nation destroyed continues.... Even though the newest "ceasefire" was indeed brokered just last week by the Russians, the fighting against the "terrorists" continues unabated.... As I said before, the US and Israel have always wanted Syria destroyed and broken up into smaller pieces as part of the sick and twisted "Greater Israel" project, AND for that pipeline that Israel wants built across Syrian territory..... It is so sad that some 400000+ innocent civilians have now been killed in the five years of this fraud "civil war" for pure greed and selfishness...First, I want to present an interesting link to a report here Investment Watch Blog, at, where the US bought and paid for "terrorists" called "ISIS" have now cut off the water supplies to the liberated city of Aleppo by shutting down the water plants that feed water via pipelines from the Euphrates River... Here is that link here:, I knew that the US would be "sore losers" and would not take their loss at Aleppo well... And apparently they are now doing this dastardly act indeed to deprive the 2 million people living in Aleppo of valuable water....What needs to be understood here is that these water pipelines could have been shut down years ago since "ISIS" has been in control of the region surrounding the water facilities on the Euphrates for the last 2 years at least, but obviously the US is indeed doing this criminal act now after they lost Aleppo.....Elsewhere, there is some good news from around the area of the capitol city of Damascus, as the following report shows that the "militants" are withdrawing from some key villages that they have held in that area for years..... Here is the link to that report here:, what I find disturbing about these reports about these 'withdrawals of militants' is that the Syrian government forces have allowed these criminals to escape and be "redeployed" to the northern Syrian province of Idlib... Once these fraud "militants" and "terrorists" are in Idlib, I can guarantee they will be rearmed with the latest US weapons and launch future assaults against the government forces and civilians.... To me, the obvious real choice would have been in having these criminals surrender.....I have also been watching the situation west of Palmyra, and have been waiting for any new information concerning the long planned "counterattack" that the Syrian army and their Russian allies should be launching to reconquer the city of Palmyra itself... However, that assault may not happen in the immediate future, while according to the following link, the Syrian army has been intensifying their operations west of Palmyra, while attacking "ISIS" forces in that region and putting them into retreat.... Here is the link to that report here:, the assault to retake Palmyra may be in the planning, and would be a great victory for Bashar al-Assad and a moral victory for the Syrian people, but again it may not occur now for months.....Someone asked me a while back... "What has the US been doing in Syria now?  And what about the supposed US "attacks on ISIS"..... I have said for years now that the US has NOT been assaulting these fraud "terrorists" at all, period... The US is in fact ISIS itself, and has long been aiding and abetting these supposed "terrorists" in their sick and twisted scheme to have Syria destroyed....BUT we do find the periodic article that claims that the US is "fighting" their fraud "ISIS" group, such as the link to the following report where the US is "supposedly" helping the Kurds in an assault on "ISIS" held Raqqa...... Here is that report about the military situation around Raqqa as of December 30th: be honest here... From what I am seeing happening, this "assault on Raqqa" is nothing more than for show and to give the Jew spew media garbage reports to feed the gullible masses with pure bullshit.... The reality is that this "assault" on Raqqa is nothing but pure circus much like the fraud "assault on Mosul" in neighboring Iraq... The facts are that the US again controls and runs "ISIS" and their operatives are of course in control of Raqqa....Therefore common sense would dictate here that this "assault on Raqqa" is just to sell to the public the fraudulent idea that the US is "fighting terrorism"!The bottom line is that this war to free Syria will continue unabated for the foreseeable future.... Even with the liberation of Aleppo, the Syrian government forces and their Russian and Arab allies have an uphill battle to liberate the entire nation of Syria from the scoundrels that want it destroyed....And with the fraud of "ISIS" now claiming responsibility for that "nightclub attack" in Istanbul last weekend, there has been talk of Turkey escalating their operations in Syria to go after "ISIS" and the situation could become even more volatile....I again will continue to bring forward updated reports on the situation in Syria in further articles.... Stay tuned..More to comeNTS