The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: Update On Attack On Idlib Province School - US Predator Drone Intercepted In Vicinity Of Attack (US False Flag!)

Well, I called it early on..... When the reports first came out about the heinous attack on that school in the village of Hass in Idlib province in northern Syria that killed some 30+ people, I smelled a rat.. And that rat had a big US flag on its ass!   I have been looking for proof that what we have here is another US false flag attack to try to vilify both  Syria and Russia once again, and I do believe that I found that evidence...Right now, I want to present the following link to a very important article from the Real Syrian Free Press website, at, that shows that just before that attack on that school house in Hass, a US Predator drone was sighted in the vicinity!   Here is that link and I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  Well, that settles it... I had long suspected that the US would be up to its dirty tricks again, and here we have a repeat of that "attack" on that "humanitarian convoy" fiasco last month being repeated once again...The US/Israel/NATO cabal is now desperate to have the conditions necessary to allow them to directly intervene into Syria...  I had long suspected that they would do more "false flag" attacks like the fraud UN convoy attack from last month, and it did not take them long to do this type of dastardly deed...But to now kill innocent school children is reaching a new low... But again, the criminal murderers in Washington want Syria destroyed and Bashar al Assad removed so badly that they would indeed stoop this low...Yes, the US would indeed continue to conduct these acts of cold blooded murder and hope the world would once again be fooled ... I really hope the American people understand how truly evil their own government has become by conducting acts such as this one..I for one am sick of the US government now and do see them as the real evil on planet Earth today...More to comeNTS