The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: The Truth About The Civilians Holed Up in Eastern Aleppo - US Backed Fraud "Rebels" Are Using Them As Human Shields!

I am feeling much better today, and it is indeed back to filing reports at this blog....I am continuing to watch the events unfold in Syria, and especially the fight for eastern Aleppo city... It is a fact that the US so called "moderate" rebels and the other fraud mercenaries are indeed holed up in what is an ever contracting area of eastern Aleppo.... It will indeed only be a matter of time now before the entire rotting bunch of criminals will have to surrender to the Syrian army and their allies... That or they will be destroyed....But one thing that has been severely overlooked are the civilians that are stuck in eastern Aleppo... We have the reports coming out from both the Jew spew media outlets and the alternative media that these civilians are supposed to be allowed the right to leave eastern Aleppo along some of the "corridors" that the Syrian government forces and even the criminal "rebels" have agreed upon..... But strangely very few of these civilians are leaving (?) which should have everyone alarmed and wondering exactly what the hell is going on here? Well, I do have the answer to the civilian problem in eastern Aleppo, and what I found is not only astounding but a clear violation of international law.. For according to the following article from the Real Syrian Free Press website, at, it appears that the fraud "rebels" are indeed absolutely NOT allowing any of the civilians to escape their clutches, and have been firing upon any that are trying to flee for their lives by using snipers to shoot them if they try to enter the corridor escape routes!  Here is the link to that article for everyone to see here for themselves, and I do have my usual thoughts and comments to follow: Notes: OK, Lets not beat around the bush here, and here is the truth about this illegal practice of shooting civilians...The fraud "rebels" and "terrorists" holed up in eastern Aleppo know that without the civilians present, the Syrian army and their allies would indeed intensify their strikes and  go all out to kill them all... The only hindrance to the Syrian army's advances are indeed the civilians, whom the Syrian army is trying to save!  The Syrian Free Press article calls this situation with these fraud rebels a 'hostage situation' but I prefer to call it a case of illegally using civilians as "human shields"!Yes, I am calling a spade a spade here... These corrupt murderous US bought and paid for mercenaries are indeed using the civilians as "human shields" to protect themselves from the wraith of the Syrian army advances and especially the bombings of the Russian air force... There can be no doubt in anyone's minds that this is absolutely fact and the most deplorable aspect of all this is the fact that the criminal US government is condoning these actions...These fraud "terrorists" and "rebels" are using the presence of the civilians to slow the Syrian government force advances and hopefully cause a long enough delay before the US is able to come up with either a brand new "false flag" attack, or are able to create the grounds for another fraud "ceasefire" under the premise of "saving the civilians" in eastern Aleppo... Either aspect is indeed a criminal act and absolutely a clear violation of international law....Yes, shooting civilians that are trying to flee eastern Aleppo is an act of murder, and in spite of it clearly happening right now in Aleppo we find not one peep from the criminals and liars in the Jew spew media...... The truth must be told.....More to comeNTS