The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: The Truth About Aleppo - 10 Massive Fake News Stories Western Media Has Been Feeding You On Aleppo!

I am a most disgusted NTS today... As I stated several articles ago, I asked some colleagues that usually get together with me at least once a week over coffee, to look closely as the evidence presented here at this blog and elsewhere concerning the REAL truths about the situation in Aleppo, Syria....But instead of them even bothering to say that I and others have been correct, some of them attacked me and my stance saying that "I did not know what I was talking about.." and "The Russians and Syrians are KILLING (!) the people of Aleppo"....I of course was astonished and asked them where they were getting their "facts"... The answer was NO shock to me at all, as many said..."Global News, CBC News, and CTV News.." These three Jew spew "networks" in Canada are most definitely the WORSE pieces of propaganda bullshit imaginable and rarely have ever told anyone the real truths... And it shows once again how much we are dealing with brainwashed idiots and fools that have not a clue about the REALITY of the entire war in Syria, and the TRUTH about what has been happening in and around Aleppo!For this article, I want to present the following fabulous report from the Free Thought Project website, at, entitled: "10 Massive Fake News Stories Western Media Has Been Feeding You On Aleppo"... In this article, that I have the link right here for everyone to view for themselves, you will see the author of this article dissect the fraud and phoney 10 major Jew spew media claims about Aleppo that these LIARS have been trying to shove into the minds of what few viewers still watch their garbage... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes: I myself have spent the last while periodically turning on the Jew spew media outlets to see what these liars have been saying about Aleppo, and YES, they have indeed been and still are putting out fraud claims that the Syrian army has been "butchering" civlians, and even the audacity to say that it has been the Syrian government forces that have been "bombing" the relief convoys and even the evacuation buses trying to leave Aleppo... The facts are of course otherwise...So once again, I am in an uphill battle trying to get people to see the real truths about exactly what has been happening in and around Aleppo.... I have even tried to reach many of them by showing the evidence as I have shown in a previous article that the so called "moderate rebels" in eastern Aleppo are NOT so "moderate' at all, and in fact are indeed US/Israel/NATO bought and paid for murderous mercenaries and operatives...And of course we have the videos of the citizens of Aleppo cheering wildly for their liberation by the Syrian government forces... I again have to ask the naysayers the question... If the Syrian government is so brutal and murderous as they claim, then WHY have the vast majority of people of Aleppo been in great celebration for their liberation?  Propaganda my ass!And about my "friends" and "colleagues" that I still endure every week... It has now got to the point that I feel like an outsider and can NOT reach many of them... The brainwashing is that intense... Maybe its time I look for other people to spend time with having coffee??More to comeNTS