The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: Some Great News - Criminal US Mercenaries Unable To Break Aleppo Siege - Operatives In Aleppo Now Doomed!

I decided to take yesterday off for a bit of catching up on other projects... Again, I do my best to try to put up articles here daily, but my personal life does take precedence....Over the last week, we all were aware of the "counter-offensive" launched by the US/Israel bought and paid for mercenaries and murderers called "Al Nusra" in an attempt to break the Syrian government's stranglehold on the last remaining "terrorists" and "rebels" still holed up in eastern Aleppo.... These criminals were armed with the latest US weapons and there indeed was some fear that this attack would be successful, and that it may prevent the fall of Aleppo itself....Well, I do have some great news.... For according to the following link to an important report from the South Front website, at, apparently this "counter-offensive" has now turned into a dismal failure!  First I have the link to that article for everyone to see for themselves, and I do have my usual thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  Yes, this is fantastic news... For it proves that even with the latest and greatest US weapons available, these "terrorists" can not break the siege in Aleppo....Apparently after some initial success on attacks on the Syrian government forces in the western side of Aleppo, these mercenaries have been soundly beaten back, and the Syrian government forces are now retaking much of the limited territory these frauds were able to gain....It does appear now that unless the US can indeed get a new "false flag" going somewhere to blame both Syria and Russia, their operatives in Aleppo are now doomed... The criminals holed up in the eastern side of the city have now almost run out of ammunition and even food supplies... It will only be a matter of time now that they will have to either surrender, or starve to death....And again, in spite of the refusal of the Russian Federation to relaunch airstrikes on these frauds holed up in eastern Aleppo, the Syrian government forces and their allies definitely have the upper hand and victory is indeed at hand.. I will continue to update this situation when further reports do come forward, and will definitely report here when Aleppo finally falls.. .That time cannot come soon enough..More to comeNTS