The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: This Is Sickening - Russian Media Reports US And Saudi Arabia Sending ISIS Terrorists From Mosul In Iraq To Syria!

I really do not get the stupidity of people sometimes.. I was out and about today doing some errands and I spent part of this morning with my usual group of colleagues and friends at the local Tim Hortons restaurant here in central Canada to discuss what has been happening in Canada and of course around the world.... As usual the topic did turn to "terrorism" and I listened once again as several people at our table were talking about how terrible "ISIS" was and how our Canadian government has to do MORE to fight "terrorism".... I had to bite my tongue so hard, for I have long known that "terrorism" is a fraud and the entire "war on terror" was also a fraud... I have also long known that the US and Israel are the REAL "terrorists" and they are behind almost every "terrorist" group existing on the planet today..... I left the table soon afterwards, and all I could do was shake my head in disbelief knowing how gullible and stupid many Canadians truly are!Well, an article today caught my eye, and I definitely want to share it here with my own readers... This one comes courtesy of the Storm Front website, at, and is entitled: "Media Reports US And Saudi Arabia Sending ISIS Terrorists From Mosul To Syria"... In this article, that I have here in its entirety, you will see once again definitive proof that the US itself is most definitely 100% this fraud "ISIS" group, and how they have the audacity to tell the world that they are sending them from Iraq into Syria to further their want to have Syria destroyed!  Here is that article and my usual thoughts and comments to follow:MEDIA: US & SAUDI ARABIA SENDING ISIS TERRORISTS FROM MOSUL TO SYRIAAccording to media, the US and Saudi Arabia have agreed to provide Islamic State (IS) terrorists and members of their families with a safe exit from Iraqi province of Anbar and city of Mosul prior to its assault by the international coalition forces. Evacuated terrorists will be sent to Syria to conduct an offensive on cities, controlled by the Syrian government forces.Photo: rusprav.tvThe special services of the US and Saudi Arabia have reached an agreement, according to which members of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group can safely leave Anbar province and the Iraqi city of Mosul before start of the assault on it by the international coalition forces, pro-Russian and pro-Iranian media reported on Wednesday.As the Fars news agency reported, citing a senior commander of the Iraqi volunteer forces (the Hashd al-Shaabi), Nazem al-Jaqifi, the western part of Anbar province have already been left by IS emirs and commanders at the order of the US.

“The IS commanders and their families have fled Raveh, Ana, al-Qaem, al-Rataba and other areas under their control in western Anbar province,” Fars quoted al-Jaqifi’s words. “The IS commander have fled Anbar province after disguising in Shepherd’s clothes,” he added.

Al-Jaqifi also stressed that the evacuation of IS members from the province of Anbar has been held upon an order of Washington.Meanwhile, the RIA Novosti news agency also reported about withdrawal of IS terrorists from the province, citing an unnamed military-diplomatic source in Moscow.According to the source, US President Barack Obama has already decided to carry out the operation to liberate Mosul in October. During the assault, the coalition’s air power would carry out strikes only on detached empty buildings, pre-agreed with terrorists, the source said.According to him, the plan of Washington and Riyadh also provides that terrorists would move from Mosul to Syria in order to conduct an offensive on cities, controlled by the government forces.

“More than 9,000 IS terrorists will be transported from Mosul to the eastern regions of Syria for conducting a following major offensive operation, which involves the capture of Deir ez-Zor and Palmyra,” the source added.

RIA Novosti does not have any comments of the US or Saudi sides, as well as any official information on this matter.Earlier, it was reported that about 120,000 people will take part in the operation to liberate the Iraqi city of Mosul from IS terrorists.NTS Notes:  OK, there were some red flags that were raised when I saw this story, especially where it says this is based on some "media" reports without initially giving the source....Only when one reads the report do they ascertain that the report comes via Russian media outlets...... And yes,  I would definitely trust Russian media above anything coming from the liars in the US!However, it does make sense when you consider that ISIS is and always has been a fraud.. The Iraqi government forces are right now indeed about to launch an all out attack on Mosul to regain the city from the fraud "terrorists" and we see evidence in the alternative media that the US itself is delaying that attack to ALLOW their fraud mercenaries and operatives aka "terrorists" a chance to escape...Everyone knows that if these were real "terrorists" they would have long been destroyed and the US would never ever have allowed them to escape and "redeployed" into Syria! And yes, once these fraud "terrorists" do escape Mosul, the US will indeed 'redeploy them' as quickly as possible... And their most logical and yet evil redeployment would indeed be over the border into Syria to raise havoc with the good guys, the Syrian government forces.....So once again we have a startling report that shows evidence that ISIS is absolutely a fraud and nothing more than US operatives..... And to have the outright GALL to state that these "terrorists" would be transported from Mosul over the border into Syria by the US itself should say it all.....And once again I am waiting for confirmation of this report's validity, but all indications are that this is genuine and once again shows the true evil of the US and the Saudi governments in their want to have Syria destroyed....Wake up, America.. Your own criminal government is the real terrorists!More to comeNTS