The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: NOW It Is Official - Aleppo Is Now Liberated! The Cabal Has Suffered A Crushing Defeat!

I waited until the official word has come out from official Syrian government forces to finally come out with the best news in quite a while about the war in Syria against the US/Israel/NATO cabal... And here it is:The City Of Aleppo Is Now Officially Liberated!This is indeed a crushing defeat for the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal, and may indeed spell the end of their insane and evil attempts to have Syria destroyed, and the rightful President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, removed from power....I honestly am so happy for the Syrian people.... They have endured so much hardship for the last almost 5 years of torture thanks to the criminal US government, the insane Israeli regime, and even the morons over at NATO... And in spite of all these hardships, they have indeed survived and have now shown the world that evil can truly be defeated....This is indeed a moment of celebration... And right here is a video for everyone to see and join in on this celebration of this great victory:And with the liberation of Aleppo, Bashar al-Assad's forces is indeed in charge of ALL major cities of Syria...This is indeed a most strategic gain, and means that even though the war in Syria will continue, the turning point has been reached and eventually all of Syria will be free...OK, Now onto the other business at hand in Syria... Now that Aleppo is free, it is time to divert all of the Syrian government's attention along with their allies to the situation in Palmyra.... Hopefully within the next few weeks, if not sooner, the criminal cabal's fraud "ISIS" forces will get what is coming to them, and that city will also be free from the scourge.....Again, congratulations to the proud people of Syria for this great victory...More to comeNTS