The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: Must See Video - Truth Regarding Syria, NOT Civil War But US Invasion!

I have now fully recovered from my sickness over the last week, and spent the day running errands... I am finally going through literally a TON of emails and comments that have been sent my way, including many that contain links to some most interesting articles and videos that the sender has requested I look at and possibly use them here at this site...ONE video in particular came to my attention and the information enclosed is fabulous and tells the absolute truth about exactly what is happening in Syria.....It was actually released almost a month ago, and came to my attention a few weeks back.... I finally decided to sit down and watch it and I definitely want to share it here with my own readers and to give my own comments... .This one is entitled: "Must See Video: Truth Regarding Syria - Not Civil War, But US Invasion", and I have it here for those that have not seen it yet to view for themselves... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  I agree with everything that this delegation had to state about Syria, and their evidence shows once again how badly the American people are being lied to by their own crooked and evil government and the Jew spew media...Yes, the truth is absolutely that this is not a "civil war" at all, but a US invasion by using proxy forces.. .There are NO "moderate rebels" period, end of story.... These are indeed nothing more than US/Israeli Mossad/CIA agents and/or high paid mercenaries that are presently murdering the Syrian people...And yes, the US goal is indeed "regime change" which is in direct violation of all international laws... And we can now see what has happened when they have succeeded in their fraud "regime change" when we look at Iraq, and especially Libya... Nations have been destroyed and people left in destitution... It again should be apparent that ANY nation that the US gets its dirty hands involved in results in ruination..... It is therefore no wonder that the US is indeed pictured around the world now as the second most evil nation on planet Earth... Israel being the first!The truth is of course that the people of Syria are indeed united in this fight against the evil of the United States, and it shows in recent days where the fraud "rebels" and "terrorists" that have been trying to destroy Syria are now on the run... And again with the impending fall of Aleppo, the entire effort by the US to destroy Syria will indeed have failed.....I again am waiting for the day that Syria is once again a free nation and the US is soundly beaten in this conflict.. That day cannot come soon enough....More to comeNTS