The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: Latest Updates - And Even MORE Proof That ISIS Is A Complete Fraud!

I am always keeping tabs on what is really happening right now in Syria, and especially the facts that the US-Israel-NATO criminal cabal is getting their butts handed to them by the good guys, the SAA and their Russian/Arabic allies..... It is so good to see on a daily basis more and more reports that the US and Israel are losing their battle to have Syria destroyed and Bashar al-Assad removed from power....It is indeed turning into a great victory for the Syrian people as well....Well... For the longest time I have stated again and again that this so called 'terrorist' group known as "ISIS" is and always has been a complete fraud.... It astounds me that I still run into people on a daily basis that actually still believe that this "ISIS" is a legitimate "terrorist group", and they give me the usual "deer in headlights" look when I tell them that "ISIS" has always been a creation of the criminal US and Israeli governments to get their nice little "regime change" in nations that they want to see conquered.... It does appear that I still need to periodically bring forward more and more articles that show definitive proof that the US is and always has been "ISIS".... And just a few days ago, I found a real eye opener that I want to share with readers here...I found the following most alarming report from the Aviationist website, at, that shows once again proof positive that the US is ISIS, and I want to share that report with all of my own readers here (especially those who have not been up to date on this amazing finding..).... The article is entitled: "US F-22 Allegedly Interfered With Russian Su-25S Over Syria And Chased Away By Su-35S, Russian MOD Says" and I have the link to it right here for everyone to read for themselves:, WHY am I not in the least bit surprised by this report, and I am not going to even bother calling this thing "allegedy" as the Aviationist tries to convey, for from other reports including Russia Today, I would state that this was the "real McCoy" and shows that the US was indeed working on November 23rd to prevent the Russian airforce from bombing and possibly destroying their "ISIS" operatives that were caught on the southern bank of the Euphrates River....What especially has troubled me about this latest "incident" by the US is the gall and the nerve that they showed in having that F22 Raptor block the legitimate actions of the Russian air force... Need I remind everyone that the Russians were indeed invited by the Syrians to help them rid the nation of these "terrorists" while the US is still operating ILLEGALLY in Syria?    It was also so amazing to see the F22 Raptor high tail it out of the area when a SUPERIOR Su-35 fighter came to assist the Su-25's....... Yes, as I have said for the longest time, the US fighters are NO match for the Russian ones and I would bet that the US was not prepared to suddenly be in full air combat against the Russians....Well, once again we see proof positive that "ISIS" is a sham.... But there is other news about the still ongoing conflict in Syria that has grabbed my attention... And this one that I found shows the GALL AND ARROGANCE of the American government and military.. For according to the following report, that comes from the Russia Today website, at, apparently the US is trying to claim full credit for the "war against terrorism" in Syria and is claiming that THEY have been the ones "destroying" their own fraud of "ISIS" and even going so far as to claim that they have not been interfering with Russian operations there!  Here is the link to that report here: I read this Russia Today report, I did not know whether to laugh or to cry... I could not believe the sheer audacity of the Americans to put out this hogwash that they have been the ones destroying "ISIS" when the reality is that THEY are indeed "ISIS"!   It does marvel me as to how they have the nerve to make such statements and again shows either the sheer ignorance or stupidity of the American government!And for the American government to claim that they have never hindered the Russians and Syrians efforts to win the war is beyond tragic.... It again shows exactly who the true evil is in this war for Syria, and it is not the Syrians or the Russians by a long shot....Meanwhile, the war in Syria rages on, but now the Syrian government forces are basically "mopping up" what remains of the US "ISIS" forces in Deir Ez-Zor province... The focus is now definitely shifting to north western Syria where the SAA and their allies have been launching a massive new offensive against the fraud "Al Nusra" and other fraud "terrorists" still holed up in Idlib and northern Hama provinces....The vaunted SAA "Tiger Forces" that did a most exceptional job against the US fraud "ISIS" forces in the liberation of eastern Syria are in fact leading the charge....  And in fact, the situation is going "so well" right now for the good guys that the Russians have been able to order a withdrawal of part of their forces from Syria... Here is an update on the military situation in Syria, from the Southfront website, for all to see the link here: the header for this report states that the Russians are withdrawing from Syria, they are NOT abandoning Syria at all.. In fact there will continue to be Russian (and Chinese) forces working alongside the SAA to eliminate the last bastions of the fraud US "terrorist" forces and they are in the battle for as long as it takes.Lets face it, for facts are facts.. The US/Israel/NATO evil criminal cabal is indeed now on the ropes in regards to their sick attempts to have Syria destroyed.... Their fraud "terrorists" are on the run everywhere, and there are even some apparent "cracks" in their support of the SDF forces in northeastern Syria as well... It is apparent that unless something truly diabolical takes place, the people of Syria are well on their way to final victory.... More to comeNTS