The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: It is NOW Official - Aleppo Is Finally Free Of US/Israeli Operatives And Fraud Terrorists!

Over the last week since the announcement that the last remaining "terrorists" and "rebels" would evacuate eastern Aleppo, we have been watching how the US/Israel/NATO scoundrels were trying everything possible to somehow change the outcome including taking shots and bombing the buses that were evacuating the scum and operatives out of the city.... We have even watched the liars and scoundrels in the Jew spew media continue their LIES that the Syrian government forces were "massacring" civilians in eastern Aleppo... But in spite of all those troubles the evacuation and final conquering of the eastern part of the city proceeded, and good news finally came out yesterday...Yes, the city of Aleppo is FINALLY free and clear of these scoundrels, and right here I want to present the following link to the Inspire To Change World website, at, where the official announcement finally came out yesterday that the last remaining "rebels" and "terrorists" have been formally evacuated from Aleppo, and the entire city has NOW been returned to the Syrian people!  Here is that link here, and of course I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes: Finally we can all give full congratulations to the Syrian government forces and the Syrian people for the rightful return of their great city of Aleppo....It has indeed been a very long road to this victory, and I do remember 4 years back when the fraud "terrorists" and "rebels" first seized control of eastern Aleppo.... The last 4 years have seen the  Syrian people holed up in eastern Aleppo being brutalized, starved, raped, and murdered by these scoundrels and now they are all indeed free....Now comes the rebuilding period... I have seen the pictures of Aleppo BEFORE the last 4 years where the city was a vibrant metropolis with some 2+ million residents... Now it is a shadow of its former glory and it will take years to undo the damage that the US/Israel/NATO scoundrels have done....Many people believe that with the liberation of Aleppo, the war in Syria is now over... The reality is the fighting will continue as the criminal cabal scoundrels continue to try to destroy the nation and have Bashar al-Assad removed from office... However, with the Syrian government forces now in firm control of ALL major population centers across Syria, the long term prospects for the cabal looks grim... Unless these bastards try to find a way to directly invade Syria, they will indeed lose this war in the long run....Again, congratulations to the Syrian people and this great victory and liberation of Aleppo....More to comeNTS