The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: Did A US Predator Drone Fire A Hellfire Missile Into That Humanitarian Convoy Last Week?

The news out of Syria is now improving by the day...The Russians and the Syrians are no longer going to even listen to the liars in the United States government, and have now launched an all out offensive to finally end the US mercenaries' hold on eastern Aleppo... To me, its about freakin time and this time the good guys will no longer agree to any fraud ceasefires that the criminals will try to broker to save their "terrorist" groups.....What to me is still surprising is how the Jew spew media up here in Canada, and of course all over the formerly free United States of America, are still screaming out the lies that the Russians and/or the Syrians "attacked" that 'humanitarian aid" convoy last week and supposedly killed some 20 civilians and aid workers.... I said from the beginning of the reports on this "convoy attack" that something stunk to high heaven...And knowing the criminality of the United States it could be stated that the US itself attacked that convoy purposely to both vilify Russia and Syria, but to also get its long needed excuse to intervene in Syria directly to try to save its agenda... Yes something did indeed not make sense about this "attack" and I have been looking for more clues that may point to exactly who is the real culprit responsible....Well, lo and behold, but new evidence has now surfaced that does indeed show that the "humanitarian aid" convoy attack was absolutely a set up and was conducted by the United States itself... For according to the following article from the Zero Hedge website, at, it does appear from careful analysis that the US Predator Drone that was spotted operating in the vicinity and time of that "attack" may have in fact fired a Hellfire missile into the convoy!   Here is the link to that Zero Hedge article right here for everyone to view for themselves, and I do have my usual thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  If this does indeed prove as fact, then I and others that smelled a rat about this "attack" have once again been vindicated...But all that anyone with common sense has to do is to ask the big question:  WHO gains from launching this attack in the first place?  It is illogical for the Syrians or the Russians to have done the deed for much like the other false flags, such as the "gas attacks" that have been proven false, any such attack on this convoy would give the criminals in the evil US/Israel/NATO cabal their excuse to intervene directly in Syria itself!   Therefore I seriously doubted from the start that the Russians and the Syrians would be that stupid....Yes, EVERYTHING about this "humanitarian aid convoy" attack did not make sense at all from the beginning.. And now as further evidence is surfacing, we once again find the evil hands of the US itself involved....And I can guarantee that we have not seen the last of these type of criminal actions by the US/Israel/NATO cabal.... For now that the Syrians and the Russians see the truth about their evil ways, they will no longer listen to their false diplomacy and will put an end to the sick dream of having Syria destroyed once and for all.....I honestly again have to ask my American friends, when the hell will you have had enough of the criminality of your government, and actually do something to put an end to their madness?  That time is so long overdue...More to comeNTS