The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: Canadian Independent Journalist Eva Bartlett Explains The TRUTH About This War For All To See

I am doing a bit of catching up here... A few days ago, I was sent a fabulous video where an independent group had just paid a visit to Syria to see exactly what has been happening, and they came forward with a full report at a news conference back on December 9th.... I watched that entire video and I was not shocked at all by their findings, since I and others in the REAL truth movement have been telling the truth about this "war" in Syria and how it has always been for nothing more than the destruction of that nation and for the LIE of "regime change"...Right now, I want to share an important part of that conference right here for everyone, and especially those who have not seen or heard of this conference yet, to see for themselves the TRUTH about exactly what is happening in Syria... First here is the full video of that important conference here:Next, I want to focus on what is THE most important part of this conference... The part where Eva Bartlett comes flat out and tells the world the real truth about this 'war' in Syria... Here is that video:NTS Notes:  Just a few days ago, I spent my usual time with friends and colleagues at the local coffee shop... And during our usual conversation, I informed them of this video and I requested that they take a look at it for themselves and then get back to me about what they thought about it....  Well, just earlier today I ran into one of them and I asked him if he actually watched the video.... I could tell by his reaction that he did and it probably did give him a brand new perspective on the "war" in Syria... I honestly can hardly wait until I get together with the rest of them soon and see their reactions... I will let everyone know if the information from this video helped to change their tune on the "war" in Syria, and especially the entire fraudulent "war on terror".....What I did enjoy about this video is how Eva shot down that Norwegian reporter and put him in his place in regards to his harping the same Jew spew media lies... It indeed was priceless.....The other shocking part about this video is how the room that these Independent Journalists had their conference was empty of "media" Journalists... What it shows is that the Jew spew media cannot stand the real truth and will continue to propagate their lies ... And it proves once again exactly WHO the 'Fake News' truly are!I for one am glad that Eva Bartlett has come forward to tell the real truth about Syria... I and others have tried our best for years to inform people that the entire 'war on terror' is a FRAUD, and that the REAL "terrorists" are our own governments..... Hopefully with time, everyone will wake the hell up and see this truth for themselves...More to comeNTS