The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: Aleppo - How Americans Are Being Lied To

*First a quick note - I have been ill these last few days with a severe bout of cold and sinus infection.  It seems to always happen to me this time of year with the rapid change in weather in these parts of central Canada.  However, this year has not been as severe as previous years simply because I have been taking proper vitamins and other supplements to fight this cold and have absolutely avoided an "antibiotics" pushed by the quacks in our "medical system".   I finally feel a bit better today and I do have once again a bit of catching up to do here....Over the last few days, the news has actually been better than expected concerning the advances by the good guys, the Syrian army and their allies, against the criminal US mercenaries and murderers aka "rebels" holed up in eastern Aleppo... The Syrian army has made some amazing advances and has reduced the "Aleppo pocket" of resistance dramatically.... It does appear that unless the criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal has more shenanigans up their sleeves, the city of Aleppo will finally fall and the attempts by these monsters to have Syria destroyed will have failed dismally!  We can only hope....I for one am truly surprised by the absolute ignorance of the American public to the TRUTH about what is actually happening in Syria and especially Aleppo... Their heads have been so filled with bullshit propaganda from the Jew spew media that the facts about the situation are never told to them at all... However, I have been doing my best here to present the reality of the situation.....Right now, I want to present the following video that gives a pretty good summation of the present situation in Syria.... It is entitled: "Aleppo: How Americans Are Being Lied To" and it is a must see by everyone that is still not aware of exactly what this fight for Aleppo is all about... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: I agree with many facts presented in this video, but the facts are again that the US itself IS "ISIS" and the criminal US government is fully responsible for the situation by having their bought and paid for fraud "terrorists" fighting against the Syrian forces in Aleppo itself...I am surprised that this "Senator" still pushes the lie that "Al Qaeda" did the 9-11 attacks, when anyone with any common sense knows that "Al Qaeda" itself is a fraud, and that the real perpetrators of the 9-11 attacks is the criminal state of Israel with their operatives in America as well as the traitors in the US government itself...Yes, the situation in Aleppo is indeed dire for the civilians still stuck in the eastern Aleppo "pocket"... The US itself has been responsible for the cutoff of electricity and water to that area by them purposely bombing Syria's infrastructure.... It does appear that these monsters are using these "civilians" as their buffer and "human shields" to try to slow the Syrian advances and that in itself is a crime against humanity...The facts are now that the fraud "rebels" and "terrorists" are on the verge of total collapse and once again we are waiting for what the criminal US government will try to do now to turn the tide in the battle.... I can guarantee that these criminals are going to try something very soon, and everyone must be ready to finger the real culprits when it is attempted... Be wary everyone, for it is coming...More to comeNTS