The Syrian Civil War: Sick US Military Bombs Aleppo And Tries To Blame Russia For This Bombing!

Yes, the Syrian government forces are most definitely on the road to final victory over the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal in Syria... Even as I write this report, the Syrian forces are about to close the ring around the city of Aleppo and thus force the fraud "terrorist" and "rebel" forces that are within that city to either surrender or die...... With the fall of Aleppo, the sick dream of the US/Israel/NATO cabal for Syria's destruction will be effectively over, at least for the foreseeable future.....But as I stated before, the criminal cabal are indeed "sore losers" and would resort to sick and twisted ideas for vilifying both Russia and Syria in that conflict... They tried to recently blame Russia and Syria for the "starvation" of civilians in several villages, but the truth came out that the starvation was being done by the US/Israel funded mercenary "rebels" themselves... It was a black eye for the US and Israel, but again they would not stop with their vain attempts to turn the tide in Syria, and it looks like they have once again tried something sinister....Right now, I want to present the following report that comes from the Russia Today online news service at This report is entitled: "US A-10s Bombed City Of Aleppo, Shifted Blame Onto Moscow - Russian Military" and as you will see, these sick criminals are indeed trying a different approach now in their attempts to discredit Russia in its war in Syria by now bombing civilian targets and trying to blame Russia for those bombings!   Here is the link to that report for everyone to see for themselves, and I have my usual thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes: Honestly, how LOW can these criminals in the US government and the psycho state of Israel go?This definitely shows just how low the US has sunk in their vain attempt in having another innocent nation, Syria, destroyed.....This reeks of utter desperation by the US, definitely..... Their plans in using their fraud knows as "ISIS" to destroy that nation has failed, and out of desperation someone in the bowels of the Pentagram (Pentagon) came up with the dastardly idea of bombing one of the last remaining enclaves of US control itself and have the bombing blamed on Russia... To top it all off and to make sure the Jew spew media can sell it to the gullible public, they made sure a "hospital" was attacked.....Lets not be fooled here.. Anyone with common sense and even the slightest bit of rational thinking can see the sick and twisted game the Americans are playing here... They know that Aleppo is basically doomed and they are desperately wanting world opinion to once again turn against Russia and hopefully allow them to play their last trick up their sleeves which is of course direct intervention to save their plans......I can see over the next few days the Jew spew media outlets running with this idea that "Russia bombed Aleppo and a hospital" to try to convince a more skeptical public that Russia and Syria are the bad guys... Do not be fooled....More to comeNTS