SYRIA: Western Media Shares Responsibility with NATO Terrorists for War against Syria

21st Century Wire says…
Dr Bouthaina Shaaban is Syrian President, Bashar al Assad’s media advisor.  For over five years now Dr Shaaban has fielded western media hostility with forceful integrity and intelligence.  In her opening words of this speech to the Schiller Institute’s conference in Berlin June 2016, Dr Shaaban hammers home the western exceptionalism and global north’s superiority complex that drives its sense of righteousness in targeting nations such as Syria for a “regime change” that will better serve their geopolitical interests.
In this speech, Dr Shaaban addresses the role of the corporate media, including one-man-band SOHR [Syrian Observatory for Human Rights] in the media war against Syria, the failure of the western Ambassadors to Syria to prevent the escalation of “conflict and the western/gulf media dehumanization of the Syrian people murdered by US and NATO backed  terrorists. She urges the world to unite behind Syria and Iraq to honestly combat terrorism and accuses western countries of “not doing what needs to be done” to destroy terrorism.
“The false narrative, propagated about Syria was as dangerous to the Syrian people and the safety and security of Syrians as the terrorist acts perpetrated by terrorists because it isolated the reality in Syria from the public understanding in the West and the world at large and it prevented creating a level of understanding between western countries and the Syrian people about what is going on”
Dr Shaaban concludes her speech with these powerful words:
“It is in the interest of Humanity to think of the world as truly a human village where people live equally and have mutual respect for each other and deal on the basis of parity, but this requires a huge change in the mindset of the West and probably requires another conference to speak not only about the very important idea launched by China about building a Silk Road but also to speak about an intellectual, social and political Silk Road that thinks and deals with all of us as humans, as brothers and sisters, rather than as superiors and inferiors.
Thus, we can build a new world, one world and a much better world than the one we live in.  We have an obligation to our grandchildren, wherever they are born to leave them a better world than this one in which we live now”
“Creating a Common Future for Mankind and a Renaissance of Classical Culture.” Berlin 26th June 2016. Watch:


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