Syria Responds With Anti-Aircraft Fire As Israeli Jet Violates Syrian Airspace- Shootdown?

Unsurprisingly, I can find only two reports via msm news:i24- from about 8 hours ago We know Israel has been making incursions into Syria over the past 48 plus hours, in the very area mentioned! - I will relink that news at the bottom

 The Syrian army fired an anti-aircraft missile at an Israeli fighter jet that had crossed into Syrian airspace near Quneitra, a Syrian city near to the Israel-Syria border, the Lebanese news network Al Mayadeen reported late Friday. Israeli sources confirmed the report to i24news.

 Syrian Army Shoots Down Israeli Fighter Jet over Quneitra The Israeli fighter jet was targeted over the city of Al-Quneitra on Friday.But dug this up too!: Via Al Mayadeen & Google Translate 

"Fields correspondent reported that the Syrian anti-aircraft fired on an Israeli warplane penetrated the atmosphere of Quneitra. This breach comes after an air assault on a civilian vehicle in the town of Kom what led to the death of three Palestinians and a Syrian according to sources in the field of the fields."

UPDATE # 1: Israeli War Jet Shot Down Over SyriaThings must be getting hot and heavy because I also came across these interesting reports. Which seem to indicate the UN is protecting Israel, as usual. 1-Ban calls for restraint as violations jeopardize ceasefire between Israel and Syria

 Deeply concerned over the serious violations of the Disengagement of Forces Agreement between Israel and Syria, United Nations Secretary-General ban Ki-moon has called on all involved to exercise maximum restraint to prevent any further escalation in an already tense regional environment. 

2-UN Calls for Restraint 3-Ban Ki-moon asks Israel, Syria to de-escalate tensionsVital background info, from the beginning!