Syria’s Grand Mufti, Dr. Ahmad Hassoun, implores for peace at the funeral of his son, Sarya, killed by “rebels”

I had the honour of meeting, in a group context, the Grand Mufti of Syria, a man of compassion, knowledge, forgiveness, whose own son was murdered in the context of the war being waged on Syria in the name of “revolution”…and the Mufti immediately forgave those who killed his son. I cannot imagine his sorrow.
Listen to it all, but particularly from 14:00 on, when Sheik Hassoun implores “rebels” to lay down their guns and the government to grant them amnesty, even to those who killed his son, for the sake of Syria…“as for you, the opposition, this is Syria with the doors wide open, stop insulting us from abroad. Come. Come, and say whatever you want to say within the country, and if someone refuses you, I will be one of you in the opposition. Come and say the truth. Come and ask sincerely. You want freedom, you want justice, let us build together the foundation of Syria.”
To quote a friend, Ryan, who was already very well-informed about the planned destruction of Syria, the Mufti’s words are essential listening:

“The Grand Mufti’s speech after the murder of his son was one of the first clips that truly moved me towards a unequivocal support for the Syrian people in this fight against the imperialist hordes. That he asked for an amnesty for the killers of his own son, in order to try and save the nation from what we’ve witnessed take place over the last 3+ years, speaks volumes to the integrity of this brave and principled man. The already-shared clip, compiled from segments of a much longer and detailed speech, given just days after his son was murdered by the NATO-backed death-squads, was/is one of the most powerful and heart-wrenching things I’ve ever seen/listened to.“
Please do listen to the speech, from Oct 31, 2011. If possible, if I am fortunate to do so, I will meet with the Grand Mufti to purvey his words of reconciliation and peace. 
Filed under: Syria

