Sweden braces for a “civil war” in no-go zones

Is Sweden preparing its citizens for a war with Russia…or is it really preparing citizens for what will be an inevitable clash with gangs located in the no-go zones around the country?
Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said that Sweden would do whatever it takes, including sending in the army, to end the wave of gang violence situated in the no-go zones around the country.
Sweden’s murder rate has been relatively low over the years, but an uncontrolled influx of migrants has created sprawling no-zones where the local police are powerless.
Lofven noted, after the party leadership discussion in parliament…

It’s not my first action to put in a military, but I’m prepared to do what it takes to ensure that the seriously organized crime goes away.
“But it is also obvious that there are social problems. Last year 300 shootings occurred, 40 people were killed. The new year has begun with new launches. We see criminals with total lack of respect for human life, it’s a terrible development I’m determined to turn around.”

Swedish PM: We could "DEPLOY THE ARMY" to tackle gang criminality in Sweden.
This is a serious admission that something is very wrong in Sweden.
Could this be why they sent out leaflets to 4.7 million households warning people what to do in case of war?https://t.co/tsX8Crl54N pic.twitter.com/xbU3eg2D1X
— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) January 17, 2018

Via Zerohedge

For the first time since World War II, Sweden is preparing to distribute a civil defense brochure to some 4.7 million households, warning them about the onset of war.
The booklet will serve as a manual of “total defense” in case of a war, and provide details on how to secure basic needs such as water, food, and heating, the FT reported. The manual also covers other threats such as cyber attacks, terrorism, and climate change.
All of society needs to be prepared for conflict, not just the military. We haven’t been using words such as total defense or high alert for 25-30 years or more. So the knowledge among citizens is very low,” said Christina Andersson, head of the project at the Swedish civil contingencies agency.
The survivalist manual or better known by some as a preppers guide is called “If Crisis or War Comes,” will be published by the government in late spring. Its publication comes at a time when the threat of war from Russia is high, well, possibly, but that is what the mainstream media has conditioned many to believe.

According to Zerohedge, even the Swedish Democrat leader Jimmie Akesson “declared war” against organized crime and suggested that Sweden should deploy the military to no-go zones to counter the out of control violence.

People are shot to death in pizza restaurants, people are killed by hand grenades they find on the street,” Akesson said in parliament on Wednesday.
“This is the new Sweden; the new, exciting dynamic, multicultural paradise that so many here in this assembly … have fought to create for so many years,” he said sarcastically.
Peter Imanuelsen, an independent journalist in Sweden, summed up the recent developments in a timeline:
– Government sends out leaflets to 4.7 million households telling them how to prepare for war
– Leader for Swedish Democrat party says “A war is being waged on Swedish society”
– Swedish PM is considering deploying the army in no-go zones

I think I am starting to figure out what's going on here…
The Swedish government just talked about the possibility of putting the army on the streets to deal with the no-go zone criminal gangs.
We might be heading for some kind of "civil war" in Sweden. https://t.co/Pto34yfPPo
— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) January 17, 2018

To sum up, the Swedish government is preparing for a destabilizing event, while the mainstream media continues to use Russia as the scapegoat. Meanwhile, high ranking government officials in Sweden have echoed in unity that military intervention in dozens of no-go zones across the country is a high probability. At the same time, the government is preparing to hand out millions of survival manuals to their citizens indicating a destabilizing event is nearing.

Signs of imminent civil war in Sweden? Worrying development happening. https://t.co/lJI8kmpXbS
— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) January 17, 2018

The leaders for all 3 biggest political parties in Sweden have today talked about war in parliament.
Specifically about a war with the criminal gangs from the no go zones.
This comes shortly after the government sent out leaflets to 4.7 million households of prepping for war.
— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) January 17, 2018

Late on Wednesday Zerohedge reported of more chaos in Sweden when a hand grenade was tossed at a police station in Malmo, resulting in a “huge explosion” according to local media reports.
The post Sweden braces for a “civil war” in no-go zones appeared first on The Duran.
