SUNDAY SCREENING: Frequency: The Secrets & Science of Sound (2014)

21st Century Wire says…
This week’s documentary film curated by our editorial team explores the invisible spectrum of something we take for granted ever day: music. This film might appear to be ‘low budget’ but the material presented is invaluable -this is key material that everyone needs to learn and be aware of. Most of us are completely unaware that nearly every piece music is tailor-made to produce a specific emotional, psychological and more importantly – physiological response and state. This is the unseen science of frequency.
DIRECTOR’S COMMENTARY: Frequency is a new original documentary exploring the mysterious world of sound. The Secrets & Science of Sound explores the areas of Binaural Beats, Synesthesia and Cymatics with a hope to further understand to what extent sound can affect the human brain and body. Binaural beats is a process in which brainwave activity can be altered at will using sound, Synesthesia is a bizarre condition in which sound can be perceived as colour and Cymatics is the world of sound made visible. These exciting and fascinating areas will hopefully expand our future understanding of the creative and potentially destructive power of sound and how in many ways we are always being affected by Frequency. Watch:

Producer and Director: Paul Falconer
Music: Jazz Spastiks
Run time: 58 min
Vivid Pictures 2014