Studies show Psychopaths and Sociopaths Rule the World

A team of researchers at Emory University in Atlanta recently found that politicians are more likely than people in the general population to be sociopaths and/or psychopaths. In fact, the fearless dominance associated with psychopathy may predict presidential and overall leadership performance. 
The study was published in the September 2012 issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Lack of guilt, fearlessness and interpersonal dominance – that may sound like a description of a politician or high-powered executive, but it’s actually a list of traits commonly found in psychopaths. According to the research, this similarity may not be a coincidence.
Certain psychopathic traits may be like a double-edged sword (note that the terms sociopath and psychopath can be interchangeable in the mental health profession). Fearless dominance, for example, may contribute to reckless criminality and violence, or toskillful leadership in the face of a crisis.
The researchers compiled personality assessments of the 42 previous U.S. presidents – up to and including George W. Bush (unfortunately Obama was not included in the study, but check out my article, “Its Official: Obama Diagnosed with Narcissistic & Sociopathic Personality Disorders by World Leading Experts“) using data from about 100 historical experts, such as biographers, journalists, and political scholars. Those personalities were compared with each president’s performance, and patterns began to emerge.
Out of all the former presidents tested in the Emory study, Theodore Roosevelt ranked the highest for fearless dominance, according to the researchers. He was followed by John F. Kennedy, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Rutherford Hayes, Zachary Taylor, Bill Clinton, Martin Van Buren, Andrew Jackson and George W. Bush.
A small minority of human beings literally have no conscience was and is a bitter pill for our society to swallow — but it does explain a great many things, shamelessly deceitful political behavior being one.
In the short video bellow, we take a look at the traits our leading politicians have, and how these are very similar to the traits of psychopaths. We also take a brief look at why people believe psychopathic leaders (such as Obama and Cameron) and how fear is used to manipulate the population. For a closer, more in depth look at this issue, I recommend you check out the video, “When Psychopaths Rule The World“, but go ahead and watch this 8 minute 49 second condensed video about the problem first:

You may be thinking that what happened in places like Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, Mao’s China, or many other countries where atrocities unfolded in recent history could not, for some reason, happen in the US. Actually, there’s no reason it won’t at this point.
Per capita, there were no more evil people in Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia, Mao’s China, Amin’s Uganda, Ceausescu’s Romania or Pol Pot’s Cambodia than there are today in the US. All you need is favorable conditions for a U.S. President, British Premier or German Chancellor to unleash terror on their populations. All it would take would be an economic crash, civil war, world war or major disaster.
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By Tom Retterbush
Sources & Resources
The Startling Accuracy of Referring to Politicians as ‘Psychopaths’
Study: Politicians and Psychopaths Aren’t So Different
Psychopathic Personality Traits Linked With U.S. Presidential Success, Psychologists Suggest
Psychopathy in Politics and Finance – Stefan Verstappen on GRTV
Must Watch! It sounds as if it is describing Obama!!! Defense Against the Psychopath (Full length)
When Psychopaths Rule The World

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