Steyer's Doing Good Work-- And Politics Is Not A Battle Between Good Billionaires And Bad Billionaires

Earlier today we looked at their billionaires, freaks like the Kochs and the Deasons. Meanwhile, a close friend of mine has been spending much of the summer at the Bohemian Grove, where Michael Bloomberg is strutting around, puffed up and bragging that he intends to buy the Democratic nomination for president. They have their freaks; we have ours.There was some news yesterday about Tom Steyer, this cycle's biggest contributor on the left-- reportedly $110 million, more than Bloomberg is spending. Steyer is smart enough to not give his money to the DNC or DCCC, where most money is used corruptly for pointless, even counter-productive consultants and their self-justifying and losing projects, especially commissionable broadcast TV and radio. Much to the chagrin of establishment status quo Democrats-- take Pelosi-- Steyers' money has gone into his own idea-oriented projects Need to Impeach and NextGen America, an environmental advocacy nonprofit and political action committee, although he did put a $1,000,000 into Andrew Gillum's gubernatorial campaign through his For Our Future PAC. Again, Gillum is decidedly not the candidate of the corrupt status quo Democratic establishment, neither in Florida nor in DC. Pelosi and establishment Democrats are no less angry with Steyer as Trump is with the Koch network-- also for focussing on ideas instead of on establishment party prioritiesSteyer's e-mail list includes 5.5 million voters who want to see Trump impeached. That's heavy and very powerful-- and bigger than the NRA mailing list.