Steven Bannon warns, “The Trump presidency that we fought for is over” (Video)

Steve Bannon is out. Now Trump is completely surrounded by Military Generals, who could easily be on the White House staff of a President Hillary Clinton.
The long rumored departure of Bannon came to fruition yesterday, after the controversial Trump advisor offered his resignation on August 7th.
Steve Bannon would later tell The Weekly Standard that, “The Trump presidency that we fought for is over.”
The Weekly Standard reports…

With the departure from the White House of strategist Stephen K. Bannon, who helped shape the so-called nationalist-populist program embraced by Donald Trump in his unlikely path to election, a new phase of the Trump presidency begins. Given Trump’s nature, what comes next will hardly be conventional, but it may well be less willfully disruptive—which, to Bannon, had been the point of winning the White House.
The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over,” Bannon said Friday, shortly after confirming his departure. “We still have a huge movement, and we will make something of this Trump presidency. But that presidency is over. It’ll be something else. And there’ll be all kinds of fights, and there’ll be good days and bad days, but that presidency is over.”
Bannon says that he will return to the helm of Breitbart, the rambunctious right-wing media enterprise he ran until joining the Trump campaign as chief executive last August…
… “On August 7th , I talked to [Chief of Staff John] Kelly and to the President, and I told them that my resignation would be effective the following Monday, on the 14th,” he said. “I’d always planned on spending one year. General Kelly has brought in a great new system, but I said it would be best. I want to get back to Breitbart.”

According to Tucker Carlson, “Bannon kept a white board of all of Trump’s campaign promises.”

“The funny thing is, in that in some important ways, Steve Bannon was more traditionally liberal, than the liberals who spent the last year shrieking for his head…”

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