Spiro: “Sibel Edmonds Exposes Exactly What Could Bring Down This Entire Corrupt System!”

Sibel Edmonds & Her Team have been singlehandedly covering The Real Hastert Case at Boiling Frogs Post. As we all know the complicit US media has been doing exactly the opposite: blacking out and censoring the real case together with all directly relevant facts and historical context. I believe we have a choice to make: Do we let them win again by shrugging in disgust and going away? Or do we give it our best and use every means and every channel to counter and challenge the institutionalized criminality and cover-up? Sure. They have all the mega print and TV outlets. But we have the power of numbers, resolve and persistence. And we have this website, the internet and all the social networks and forums that go with it.
Please show love and support for this hero who has sacrificed so much to bring the truth to the public!

*Information on Dennis Hastert and ‘others’ is also covered in my books Classified Woman & The Lone Gladio. For this campaign, until October 31, we are offering both e-books under $2. Please spread the word; for truth & integrity.