Speech Of Pure Evil: Insane Nut Netanyahu's "Speech" To UN General Assembly, October 1st, 2015.. My Take

I have already posted the speeches by that criminal that calls himself US President, Barry Soetoro, and the follow up speech from two days ago from Russian President Vladimir Putin, to the UN General Assemby... I also did my best at assessing each section of the speeches and interjecting some truths in the entire transcripts.....Just yesterday I received several comments and emails asking me to take a look at the so called "speech" by that ultra psychotic criminal murderer that calls himself Prime Minister of the criminal state of Israel to the UN General Assembly that day, and I figured  I would give it a go right here.....First, I want to present the video of that psycho Benyamin Milewkosky (Netanyahu) as he addresses the UN General Assembly for anyone that can stomach watching him spew for almost 42 minutes pure lies and bullshit.... Here is that video...Next, I want to present the full transcript of that "speech" here with my usual interjections of real truth in each part for all to see for themselves....Please do not puke until you read the entire piece of filth, lies, and falsehoods for yourselves:Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you greetings from Jerusalem. The city in which the Jewish People’s hopes and prayers for peace for all of humanity have echoed throughout the ages. NTS Note: I could feel the evil spewing from this criminal's mouth the moment he opened it... First of all, Jerusalem  is a divided city and one that Israel has NO rights to ever call its own and its "capital"...Israel is of course in the process of permanently expelling the rightful people of that city, the Palestinians, and there can be no peace what so ever as a result... Thirty-one years ago, as Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, I stood at this podium for the first time. NTS Note: And this piss poor reject excuse for a failed used furniture salesman lied then as he lies now! I spoke that day against a resolution sponsored by Iran to expel Israel from the United Nations. Then as now, the UN was obsessively hostile towards Israel, the one true democracy in the Middle East. Then as now, some sought to deny the one and only Jewish state a place among the nations.NTS Note: And Iran rightfully called for the expulsion of the psycho state of Israel then as many do now.. But thanks to their puppet, the US's veto in the Security Council, there is a fat chance of that!   And Israel, the most genocidal and most secular nation on the planet where minorities have no real rights has a lot of nerve calling itself a "democracy"...Denying evil to exist amongst nations is common sense. I ended that first speech by saying: Gentlemen, check your fanaticism at the door.NTS Note: OK, so who let this fanatic in?  Such hypocrisy, but it gets better yet... More than three decades later, as the Prime Minister of Israel, I am again privileged to speak from this podium. And for me, that privilege has always come with a moral responsibility to speak the truth.NTS Note:  I love this part.. He wants to "speak the truth" and yet all he ever does is lie, and bullshit... So after three days of listening to world leaders praise the nuclear deal with Iran, I begin my speech today by saying: Ladies and Gentlemen, check your enthusiasm at the door.NTS Note: And if you are about to believe what he is about to spew about Iran, check your brain at the door... You see, this deal doesn’t make peace more likely. By fueling Iran’s aggressions with billions of dollars in sanctions relief, it makes war more likely. Just look at what Iran has done in the last six months alone, since the framework agreement was announced in Lausanne. Iran boosted its supply of devastating weapons to Syria. Iran sent more soldiers of its Revolutionary Guard into Syria. Iran sent thousands of Afghani and Pakistani Shi’ite fighters to Syria. Iran did all this to prop up Assad’s brutal regime. Iran also shipped tons of weapons and ammunitions to the Houthi rebels in Yemen, including another shipment just two days ago.NTS Note: OK,  the Iranian deal is absolutely not perfect by any means, considering the fact that Iran has NO nuclear weapons and no desire to ever "obtain" one....But it will at least (supposedly) stop the illegal sanctions and free up Iran's frozen assets....And there is no evidence of Iran putting "devastating weapons" to Syria, while Israel arms their Mossad agents known as ISIS.....And no evidence of Pakistani or Afghani fighters being sent to Syria via Iran....Assad does not have a "brutal regime" as this liar states..... Iran has not sent those supposed "weapons" to the Houthi "rebels" in Yemen, while the Israelis and Saudis continue to commit genocide in Yemen itself.. So many unanswered questions about that "shipment" that was "intercepted" as he claims, due to some saying it was a set up to falsely implicate Iran... Iran threatened to topple Jordan. Iran’s proxy Hezbollah smuggled into Lebanon SA-22 missiles to down our planes, and Yakhont cruise missiles to sink our ships. Iran supplied Hezbollah with precision-guided surface-to-surface missiles and attack drones so it can accurately hit any target in Israel. Iran aided Hamas and Islamic Jihad in building armed drones in Gaza.NTS Note: I have studied Middle Eastern history and facts and nowhere have I ever seen Iran "threatening to topple Jordan" as this scumbag states.... Interesting how he says that Hezbollah has all these weapons but there has been no evidence of Hezbollah holding these.. Syria has some on the other hand and those were provided by Russia.....And how can anyone build anything such as "drones" in Gaza due to the horrific grip that Israel maintains on that open air prison camp?  The bullshit coming out of Nutty Binny is coming fast and furious now..Iran also made clear its plans to open two new terror fronts against Israel, promising to arm Palestinians in the West Bank and sending its Revolutionary Guard generals to the Golan Heights, from which its operatives recently fired rockets on northern Israel.NTS Note: OK, interesting comment considering the illogical idea that "Iran" is about to open two new "terror fronts" as he states.. And notice the Golan Heights reference?  This is because Israel is looking for an excuse to attack Syria via the Golan Heights!  And there are questions about that "rocket" that (miraculously as usual) never hit anyone or anything... Israel will continue to respond forcefully to any attacks against it from Syria. Israel will continue to act to prevent the transfer of strategic weapons to Hezbollah from and through Syrian territory.NTS Note: Again this mass murdering freak is looking for the excuse needed to attack Syria.  And the truth is of course that Hezbollah is targeting the Mossad/CIA group that calls itself "ISIS".... Every few weeks, Iran and Hezbollah set up new terror cells in cities throughout the world. Three such cells were recently uncovered in Kuwait, Jordan and Cyprus.NTS Note: Really?  New terror cells?  More bullshit from the king of bullshit... In May, security forces in Cyprus raided a Hezbollah agent’s apartment in the city of Larnaca. There they found five tons of ammonium nitrate, that’s roughly the same amount of ammonium nitrate that was used to blow up the federal building in Oklahoma City. And that’s just in one apartment, in one city, in one country.NTS Note:  Again, I have watched reports and there has been nothing about this "raid" in Cyprus... It does seem a bit far fetched that someone would store '5 tons' of Ammonium Nitrate in an apartment?  But hey, Nutty needs more excuses for his war against Hezbollah... But Iran is setting up dozens of terror cells like this around the world, ladies and gentlemen, they’re setting up those terror cells in this hemisphere too. I repeat: Iran’s been doing all of this, everything that I’ve just described, just in the last six months, when it was trying to convince the world to remove the sanctions.NTS Note: Notice how it was first Hezbollah and its "terror cell" in Cyprus, and now he is putting his bullshit and bulls eye on Iran with their non-existent "terror cells"....And again more excuses to try to make sure the illegal sanctions stay in place..Now just imagine what Iran will do after those sanctions are lifted. Unleashed and un-muzzled, Iran will go on the prowl, devouring more and more prey. In the wake of the nuclear deal, Iran is spending billions of dollars on weapons and satellites. NTS Note:  I love this part... "Unleashed and un-muzzled, Iran will go on the prowl"... Who writes this stuff??  Interesting that he mentions Iran spending billions on weapons, while Israel fleeces American for multi-billions for weapons in a heartbeat.... You think Iran is doing that to advance peace? You think hundreds of billions of dollars in sanctions relief and fat contracts will turn this rapacious tiger into a kitten? If you do, you should think again.NTS Note:  OK, Nutty.. Does Israel spend billions of US taxpayer dollars to advance peace?  And we must not forget that the true danger is Israel that is like a ravenous dog.... In 2013 president Rouhani began his so-called charm offensive here at the UN. Two years later, Iran is executing more political prisoners, escalating its regional aggression, and rapidly expanding its global terror network.NTS Note: OK, what "regional aggression" has Iran done?  From what I have seen, Iran has not attacked anyone for centuries..... And the "global terror" network that he states is mostly run and financed by the Israeli Mossad...  You know they say, actions speak louder than words. But in Iran’s case, the words speak as loud as the actions. Just listen to the Deputy Commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Quds Force. Here’s what he said in February:NTS Note: Yes, actions do speak louder than words.. Need we forget about Israel's own actions against the innocent people of Gaza?....Yes, the actions there definitely spoke louder than words...“The Islamic revolution is not limited by geographic borders….” He boasted that Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and Yemen are among the countries being “conquered by the Islamic Republic of Iran.”NTS Note: I remember this translation of the quote.. It was found out later to be a misquote and a bad translation...But as usual, this criminal wants to use the wrong translation here to vilify Iran... Conquered.NTS Note: Again, Iran has not "conquered" anyone in centuries... And for those of you who believe that the deal in Vienna will bring a change in Iran’s policy, just listen to what Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei said five days after the nuclear deal was reached: “Our policies towards the arrogant government of the United States will not change.” The United States, he vowed, will continue to be Iran’s enemy.NTS Note: Of course the Iranians will not change their policies to the US, simply because most of them know what the US stands for and how the US imposed the brutal dictatorship of the Shah on them for some 26 years.... To open new policies with criminals could lead to the downfall of their entire nation... While giving the mullahs more money is likely to fuel more repression inside Iran, it will definitely fuel more aggression outside Iran. As the leader of a country defending itself every day against Iran’s growing aggression, I wish I could take comfort in the claim that this deal blocks Iran’s path to nuclear weapons. But I can’t, because it doesn’t.NTS Note: A load of lies here.. The money freed up is Iran's that has been frozen through the illegal sanctions and other actions by the US....Notice that he talks about Iran with its non-existent nuclear weapons, while avoiding Israel and its hundreds of very dangerous nuclear weapons that are a threat to the entire planet... This deal does place several constraints on Iran’s nuclear program. And rightly so, because the international community recognizes that Iran is so dangerous. But you see here’s the catch:NTS Note: Again.. Trying to claim Iran is so dangerous while avoiding the issue of Israel and its massive deadly nuclear stockpile.. Under this deal, if Iran doesn’t change its behavior, in fact, if it becomes even more dangerous in the years to come, the most important constraints will still be automatically lifted by year 10 and by year 15. That would place a militant Islamic terror regime weeks away from having the fissile material for an entire arsenal of nuclear bombs. That just doesn’t make any sense.NTS Note:  Notice the outright lies here... Iran is "weeks away" according to his psychotic thinking from having the fissible material for an "entire arsenal" of nuclear bombs.. Same lie he has stated now for decades.. And what does not make sense is why this clown is allowed to lie while his own nation sits on a massive arsenal that could blow up at least 1/2 the planet... I’ve said that if Iran wants to be treated like a normal country, let it act like a normal country. But this deal, this deal will treat Iran like a normal country even if it remains a dark theocracy that conquers its neighbors, sponsors terrorism worldwide and chants “Death to Israel”, “Death to America.”  NTS Note: Iran is a normal country... It has not conquered any neighbors or attacked anyone in centuries... And the true nation that sponsors and finances terrorism is Israel itself! Does anyone seriously believe that flooding a radical theocracy with weapons and cash will curb its appetite for aggression? Do any of you really believe that a theocratic Iran with sharper claws and sharper fangs will be more likely to change its stripes?NTS Note: Again with the outright lies and bullshit about Iranian "aggression".... And of course the real nation that desperately needs to change its stripes is his own psycho nation of Israel. So here’s a general rule that I’ve learned and you must have learned in your life time – When bad behavior is rewarded, it only gets worse.NTS Note: OK, then what about Israel's "bad behaviour", Nutty?  And yes, Israel is much much worse... Ladies and Gentlemen,NTS Note: I would have thought he would have properly called his audience "obedient slaves and minions"...  I have long said that the greatest danger facing our world is the coupling of militant Islam with nuclear weapons. And I’m gravely concerned that the nuclear deal with Iran will prove to be the marriage certificate of that unholy union.NTS Note: The greatest danger facing the world is his own psycho state of Israel and its equally psychotic fraud religion called "Judaism".. And Israel does have an unholy union of psychotic Judaism with a massive arsenal of nuclear weapons.. I know that some well-intentioned people sincerely believe that this deal is the best way to block Iran’s path to the bomb. But one of history’s most important yet least learned lessons is this: The best intentions don’t prevent the worst outcomes.NTS Note: Again, I feel like a broken record, but Iran is not building any nuclear weapons, period... And what has happened with the original intentions of giving Israel nuclear weapons, Nutty? The vast majority of Israelis believe that this nuclear deal with Iran is a very bad deal. And what makes matters even worse is that we see a world celebrating this bad deal, rushing to embrace and do business with a regime openly committed to our destruction.NTS Note: Of course Israel thinks it is a bad deal, simply because they want Iran destroyed...The deal, though not perfect, is a moral victory for the planet and actually could lead to a wind down of tension in the region.. That is why the psychos in Israel want it ruined.. Last week, Major General Salehi, the commander of Iran’s army, proclaimed this: “We will annihilate Israel for sure.”NTS Note: This Iranian never said such a thing.. Either a bad translation again, or this lunatic is trying to outright lie... “We are glad that we are in the forefront of executing the Supreme Leader’s order to destroy Israel.”NTS Note: Again, the Iranian leadership has always said that they want the present REGIME in Israel eliminated.. Which makes sense considering the majority of them are indeed psychotic... Iran has never wanted the people of Israel destroyed, only their crooked and immoral government... And as for the Supreme Leader himself, a few days after the nuclear deal was announced, he released his latest book. Here it is. It’s a 400-page screed detailing his plan to destroy the State of Israel.NTS Note:  Another bold faced lie by a man who has no morals... Iran wants the regime in Israel out and not the nation itself... Last month, Khamenei once again made his genocidal intentions clear before Iran’s top clerical body, the Assembly of Experts. He spoke about Israel, home to over six million Jews. He pledged, “there will be no Israel in 25 years.”NTS Note: Israel due to its psychosis probably may not exist in 25 years unless it cleans up its act and stops wanting to destroy its neighbours... And this psycho  forgets that Iran is home to hundreds of thousands of Jews... And notice the "6 million"number.. Kaballistic and used constantly by these psychos... Seventy years after the murder of six million Jews, Iran’s rulers promise to destroy my country. Murder my people. And the response from this body, the response from nearly every one of the governments represented here has been absolutely nothing!NTS Note: I was wondering when this nut would bring up the un-researchable Holocaust that still has so many questions and the answers are not allowed!  Iran has never wanted to destroy anyone, just another bold faced lie by this lunatic... No, nations can see for themselves now who is the liar and who wants war, and it is not Iran... Utter silence!NTS Note: And rightfully so...  Deafening silence.(At this point, Netanyahu paused for 44 seconds.)NTS Note: THIS is the point of contention that so many have already commented about.. It appears to me at this point that this nut-job was expecting so many in the audience to either gasp in horror or to applaud his statement... Instead the majority just sat there in disbelief that this criminal would expect them all to suddenly care when they know the bitter truth about his insanity .... Most definitely by this point could see this bullshit artist was full of himself...Honestly to me this is a sign of pompous arrogance by this criminal in an act of pure vanity...Either that, or desperation on the cusp of madness.... Perhaps you can now understand why Israel is not joining you in celebrating this deal. If Iran’s rulers were working to destroy your countries, perhaps you’d be less enthusiastic about the deal. If Iran’s terror proxies were firing thousands of rockets at your cities, perhaps you’d be more measured in your praise. And if this deal were unleashing a nuclear arms race in your neighborhood, perhaps you’d be more reluctant to celebrate.NTS Note: Of course Israel does not want part of any deal because they want Iran destroyed...Iran has no "terror proxies", simply because when all "terrorists" are caught or exposed, the majority always turn out to be Mossad operatives...Thousands of rockets?  Again with the bullshit.... And of course the only nation in the entire region with nuclear weapons is his own psycho state of Israel.... Again, the deal, though not perfect, is a start to unwind tension in that region and possibly bring about a true peace, and therefore Israel wants it ruined... But don’t think that Iran is only a danger to Israel. Besides Iran’s aggression in the Middle East and its terror around the world, Iran is also building intercontinental ballistic missiles whose sole purpose is to carry nuclear warheads. Now remember this: Iran already has missiles that can reach Israel. So those intercontinental ballistic missiles that Iran is building – they’re not meant for us – They’re meant for you. For Europe. For America. For raining down mass destruction – anytime, anywhere.NTS Note: This is again a laugher.. Iran has NO intercontinental ballistic missiles, but Israel is building them with the help of the stupidity of the United States.... And those missiles will be used to blackmail the entire world to Israel's whim.... Therefore the only nation that will be raining down destruction on the planet is his own psychotic state... Ladies and Gentlemen,NTS Note: Still waiting for him to call his audience "obedient slaves and minions".. It would be fitting... It’s not easy to oppose something that is embraced by the greatest powers in the world. Believe me, it would be far easier to remain silent.NTS Note: Is he talking about Israel here?  Yes, Israel has been embraced by so many gullible nations and they have remained silent to its evil intentions and actions against others... But throughout our history, the Jewish people have learned the heavy price of silence. And as the Prime Minister of the Jewish State, as someone who knows that history, I refuse to be silent. I’ll say it again: The days when the Jewish people remained passive in the face of genocidal enemies – those days are over.NTS Note: Yes, the Jewish "heavy price" of silence.. Murder and destroy your enemies is the Jewish way....  Not being passive means speaking up about those dangers. We have. We are. We will.NTS Note: And again it is time for the world to speak up and put an end to Israel's madness and danger to the entire planet...Not being passive also means defending ourselves against those dangers. We have. We are. And we will.NTS Note: Just like how Israel is 'defending' itself from the Palestinians.. Murder, genocide, and slaughter... Israel will not allow Iran to break-in, to sneak-in or to walk-in to the nuclear weapons club. I know that preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons remains the official policy of the international community. NTS Note: What is with this "break in, sneak in, walk in" bullshit to the nuclear weapons club?  What about Israel with its massive nuclear arsenal, Nutty?  WHY is preventing Israel from having nuclear weapons not the world's official policy??? But no one should question Israel’s determination to defend itself against those who seek our destruction.For in every generation, there were those who rose up to destroy our people. In antiquity, we faced destruction from the ancient empires of Babylon and Rome. In the Middle Ages, we faced inquisition and expulsion. And In modern times, we faced pogroms and the Holocaust.NTS Note: Nobody wants their destruction as he claims.. The world just wants the Jews to finally behave and act like human beings rather than parasites... The reason why nations have thrown them out is due to their parasitism and their psychotic actions including blood libels, murder rituals, etc... Again with the Holocaust that is so un-researchable and open to questions... Yet the Jewish people persevered.NTS Note Yes, Persevered by hopping from one host to another until those nations had enough of their parasitic ways..And now another regime has arisen, swearing to destroy Israel.NTS Note: And once again with the lie that Iran wants to "destroy" Israel...   That regime would be wise to consider this: I stand here today representing Israel, a country 67 years young, but the nation-state of a people nearly 4,000 years old. Yet the empires of Babylon and Rome are not represented in this hall of nations. Neither is the Thousand Year Reich. Those seemingly invincible empires are long gone. But Israel lives. The people of Israel live.NTS Note: A nation state built by people who presently have no historical rights to the region and have based themselves on a religion that is a 4000 year old fraud....Israel lives thanks to fleecing of nations for its survival.. It is a parasite on the planet... עם ישראל חי.NTS Note: If someone can translate this, let me know... The re-birth of Israel is a testament to the indomitable spirit of my people.NTS Note: The so called "rebirth" was based on a lie.. It was by people who stole the land and have only wanted to expand their hold in the region.... The indomitable spirit is due to the cohesive nature of the entire twisted cult and their parasitism.. For a hundred generations, the Jewish people dreamed of returning to the Land of Israel. Even in our darkest hours, and we had so many, even in our darkest hours we never gave up hope of rebuilding our eternal capital Jerusalem. The establishment of Israel made realizing that dream possible. It has enabled us to live as a free people in our ancestral homeland. It’s enabled us to embrace Jews who’ve come from the four corners of the earth to find refuge from persecution. They came from war-torn Europe, from Yemen, Iraq, Morocco, from Ethiopia and the Soviet Union, from a hundred other lands. And today, as a rising tide of anti-Semitism once again sweeps across Europe and elsewhere, many Jews come to Israel to join us in building the Jewish future.NTS Note: More bullshit... Again, Israel is on stolen property by a people who do not come from that region.. Most are Khazars that stem from the steppes of Russia and have not one single drop of Semitic blood through the whole lot... Again with the fraud of "antisemitism" which is a lie considering those who scream it are not even Semites... So here’s my message to the rulers of Iran: Your plan to destroy Israel will fail. Israel will not permit any force on earth to threaten its future.NTS Note: Iran has no plans to destroy Israel, period... And Israel is the real threat to the planet... And here’s my message to all the countries represented here: Whatever resolutions you may adopt in this building, whatever decisions you may take in your capitals, Israel will do whatever it must do to defend our state and to defend our people.NTS Note: The real statement he is delivering is.. "Here's my message to all the slaves sitting here -  Do as you are told, go back to your countries that we control, and reject the Iranian deal!"Distinguished delegates,NTS Note: To him, more like slaves and minions...As this deal with Iran moves ahead, I hope you’ll enforce it…how can I put this? With a little more rigor than you showed with the six Security Council resolutions that Iran has systematically violated and which now have been effectively discarded.NTS Note: Again, it is not "hope" but a demand... More arm twisting wanting the deal squashed.. And of course more lies about Iran violating Security Council resolutions considering his psycho state has violated ever single resolution possible!Make sure that the inspectors actually inspect. Make sure that the snapback sanctions actually snap back. And make sure that Iran’s violations aren’t swept under the Persian rug.NTS Note: This is pure bull simply because if the Inspectors do not find anything, Israeli Mossad agents will simply plant something there.. That or do something through espionage to destroy the nuclear power station.. Failing that, the Israelis will go ahead anyway with their plans to attack Iran... Iran has not not committed any violations according to the IAEA and does not plan to knowing full well that if they did Israel and their minions in the US would have their excuse to attack...Well, of one thing I can assure you: Israel will be watching… closely.NTS Note: More than closely I suspect.. I suspect Israel will manufacture or plant something there to implicate Iran and have their excuse to attack...What the international community now needs to do is clear: First, make Iran comply with all its nuclear obligations. Keep Iran’s feet to the fire. Second, check Iran’s regional aggression. Support and strengthen those fighting Iran’s aggression, beginning with Israel. Third, use sanctions and all the tools available to you to tear down Iran’s global terror network.NTS Note: Iran can easily comply with all nuclear obligations due to its non-existent nuclear weapons program and only building power plants.. Iran is not an regional aggressor due to again the Iranian nation not attacking anyone in centuries... The sanctions are supposed to be lifted, but knowing the Israelis and their control over their puppets in the US, they will see that the sanctions continue... Iran has no global "terror network", only Israel...Ladies and Gentlemen,NTS Note: Again with this fake "politeness".. Honestly this scumbag looks and loathes all those he is speaking to here, and looks at them as the slaves and minions of the Jews...Israel is working closely with our Arab peace partners to address our common security challenges from Iran and also the security challenges from ISIS and from others. We are also working with other states in the Middle East as well as countries in Africa, in Asia and beyond. Many in our region know that both Iran and ISIS are our common enemies. And when your enemies fight each other, don’t strengthen either one – weaken both.NTS Note: What a joke... "Arab peace partners" is an insult to anyone's intelligence knowing full well that Israel does not want peace with the Arabs, only their territory... Again, ISIS is and always has been a fraud and fully run by the Israeli Mossad and American CIA.....Interesting that he ridiculously tries to link the fraud of "ISIS" with Iran which has been fighting alongside Iraq against ISIS..... Interesting this scumbag makes it apparent that he wants to have the Iranians and ISIS fight it out and weaken themselves so that Israel can move right in.....Common dangers are clearly bringing Israel and its Arab neighbors closer. And as we work together to thwart those dangers, I hope we’ll build lasting partnerships – lasting partnerships for security, for prosperity and for peace.NTS Note: I call complete bull shit on this one.. There are NO "common dangers" that brings Israel and the Arabs together for the simple fact that Israel is behind the dangers!  There is no partnership because he and his Jewish psychos loath and hate the Arabs with a passion.. They want territory and would want to see every single Palestinian dead or removed from the entire region.. There can only be security, prosperity, and peace once Israel stops its insane quest for total domination of the region!But in Israel, we never forget one thing. We never forget that the most important partner that Israel has has always been, and will always be, the United States of America. The alliance between Israel and the United States is unshakeable. President Obama and I agree on the need to keep arms out of the hands of Iran’s terror proxies. We agree on the need to stop Iran from destabilizing countries throughout the Middle East.NTS Note: Yes, the United States.. The very nation that this scumbag once said that he would bleed dry and have it blow away... There is NO alliance at all simply because Israel sucks everything it can out of America.... President Soetoro is the sock puppet of the Israelis and the Jews that control America... And bull shit on the arms out of terror proxies, considering those terror proxies are made up of Israeli Mossad and US CIA agents... It is not Iran that is 'destabilizing' nations in the Middle East, but the psycho state of Israel...Israel deeply appreciates President Obama’s willingness to bolster our security, help Israel maintain its qualitative military edge and help Israel confront the enormous challenges we face. Israel is grateful that this sentiment is widely shared by the American people and its representatives in Congress, by both those who supported the deal and by those who opposed it.NTS Note: President Soetoro does as his Jewish masters command and send weapons and money to Israel at US taxpayer cost and at his Jewish masters' command... Israel maintains its 'edge' by bleeding the US dry.... Of course Israel is grateful because without the United States backing it and allowing it to continue its murderous rampage against innocent nations, it may finally have to actually try to make peace and live with its neighbours.. I notice the wording where he says "its" representatives.. To me it implies Israel's slave minions that sit in the US congress and bow down to Israel first and foremost... And notice the wording at the end where he is trying to give equal time to those who 'support' as well as oppose the Iranian deal.  The fact is that those who have supported the deal will lose their Jewish money support and may not be re-elected back into Congress come election time. That is the power of the Jewish lobby in America..President Obama and I have both said that our differences over the nuclear deal are a disagreement within the family. But we have no disagreement about the need to work together to secure our common future. And what a great future it could be.NTS Note: There is NO real "disagreement" between Soetoro and this scumbag.. He basically will get a kings ransom in weapons and money just to let the deal go through.  There is no "common future" between the US and Israel, for again once the Jews have sucked the life out of America, they will basically let it "blow away"...Israel is uniquely poised to seize the promise of the 21st century. Israel is a world leader in science and technology, in cyber, software, water, agriculture, medicine, biotechnology and so many other fields that are being revolutionized by Israeli ingenuity and Israeli innovation. Israel is the innovation nation.NTS Note: What promise?  Israel sucks the life out of nations for its survival.. It is not a "world leader' but a parasite on the planet... Its technology has been mostly stolen from other nations... It leads the world in many of those categories due entirely to the massive money that keeps coming in...Israeli know-how is everywhere. It’s in your computers’ microprocessors and flash drives. It’s in your smartphones, when you send instant messages and navigate your cars. It’s on your farms, when you drip irrigate your crops and keep your grains and produce fresh. It’s in your universities, when you study Nobel Prize winning discoveries in chemistry and economics. It’s in your medicine cabinets, when you use drugs to treat Parkinson’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis. It’s even on your plate, when you eat the delicious cherry tomato. That too was perfected in Israel, in case you didn’t know.NTS Note: Yes, Israeli know-how is everywhere alright.. Israeli spy programs such as Facebook and others are everywhere spying and gathering data on suckers... Israel has put their spy programs in most computer software programs world wide... Israel has also developed nefarious viruses such as Stuxnet that has been responsible for the Fukushima disaster and right now is a ticking time bomb in most nuclear reactor safety systems world wide.... We are so proud in Israel of the long strides our country has made in a short time. We’re so proud that our small country is making such a huge contribution to the entire world. Yet the dreams of our people, enshrined for eternity by the great prophets of the Bible, those dreams will be fully realized only when there is peace.NTS Note: Again so full of lies and bellicose pompousness... Israel has not contributed to the world at all other than to make the entire world a dangerous place thanks to its nuclear arsenal and its use of terrorism worldwide... And again, the entire religion of Judaism is built on lies and falsehoods.. And notice the reference to the bullshit Bible. He does not mention that the "dreams" of their so called prophets is for Jewish domination of the world and a greater Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates Rivers....There can be no peace for these psychos do not want peace, only territory and domination..As the Middle East descends into chaos, Israel’s peace agreements with Egypt and Jordan are two cornerstones of stability. Israel remains committed to achieving peace with the Palestinians as well. Israelis know the price of war. I know the price of war. I was nearly killed in battle. I lost many friends. I lost my beloved brother Yoni.NTS Note: The chaos in the Middle East has been the creation of Israel itself...Part of the plan to undermine all of its neighbours to make them ripe for domination... And he is full of shit when he says he want 'peace' with the Palestinians.. His idea of "peace" is to see all of Palestine dominated and controlled only by Israel and the Palestinians out completely!  This lunatic knows war alright.. We must not forget the thousands of Palestinians that have been massacred by his military in his "wars".... Those who know the price of war can best appreciate what the blessings of peace would mean – for ourselves, our children, our grandchildren. I am prepared to immediately, immediately, resume direct peace negotiations with the Palestinian Authority without any preconditions whatsoever. Unfortunately, President Abbas said yesterday that he is not prepared to do this. Well, I hope he changes his mind. Because I remain committed to a vision of two states for two peoples, in which a demilitarized Palestinian state recognizes the Jewish state.NTS Note: This lunatic does not want peace.. He wants it all... And again the bullshit of wanting peace negotiations with the Palestinians.. These "negotiations" are nothing more than planned stalling tactics while Israel seizes more territory from the Palestinians... And bull shit on the 'preconditions' for he has said that there can not be "peace" until the Palestinians fully recognize Israel and give up their rights to their own territory where the illegal settlements are sitting.. There cannot be any two states for Israel only wants one state which would be only for themselves.....You know, the peace process began over two decades ago. Yet despite the best efforts of six Israeli prime ministers – Rabin, Peres, Barak, Sharon, Olmert and myself – the Palestinians have consistently refused to end the conflict and make a final peace with Israel. And unfortunately, you heard that rejectionism again only yesterday from President Abbas. How can Israel make peace with a Palestinian partner who refuses to even sit at the negotiating table? Israel expects the Palestinian Authority to abide by its commitments. The Palestinians should not walk away from peace.NTS Note: This man is such a liar.. The Palestinians have always agreed to most 'peace' proposals and are ok with recognizing Israel. But they want rightfully that Israel return to the pre-1967 boundaries and stop all illegal settlements, something the psychos in Israel will never do... The fact is that the only one at the negotiations that has not 'abided' by its commitments has been ISRAEL.  It is therefore no wonder the Palestinians have had to walk away....President Abbas, I know it’s not easy. I know it’s hard. But we owe it to our peoples to try, to continue to try, because together, if we actually negotiate and stop negotiating about the negotiation, if we actually sit down and try to resolve this conflict between us, recognize each other, not use a Palestinian state as a stepping stone for another Islamist dictatorship in the Middle East, but something that will live at peace next to the Jewish state, if we actually do that, we can do remarkable things for our peoples.NTS Note: Interesting that he brings up President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority.  Abbas has shown horrific weakness in any "negotiations" and even though he has given most everything that Israel wants away, the Jews still have demanded more... That means that "negotiations" again have been nothing but a farce... The Palestinians are not wanting an "Islamist dictatorship" as this lunatic states, but only a country that they can call their own.. No, Israel still psychotically believes through their fraud religion that Palestine is theirs as ordained by their "god", and therefore in their psychotic thinking there can never be a Palestinian state for the Palestinians...The UN can help advance peace by supporting direct, unconditional negotiations between the parties. The UN won’t help peace, certainly won’t help advance peace by trying to impose solutions or by encouraging Palestinian rejectionism. And the UN, distinguished delegates, should do one more thing. The UN should finally rid itself of the obsessive bashing of Israel.NTS Note: The man is a consummate liar.  The UN has always advanced peace, but demands that Israel abide by the multiple resolutions demanding that Israel withdraw to the 1967 boundaries... The bashing of Israel is due to Israel being a lunatic asylum that has committed massive atrocities on other nations and other people, in particular the Palestinians....Here’s just one absurd example of this obsession: In four years of horrific violence in Syria, more than a quarter of a million people have lost their lives. That’s more than ten times, more than ten times, the number of Israelis and Palestinians combined who have lost their lives in a century of conflict between us. Yet last year, this Assembly adopted 20 resolutions against Israel and just one resolution about the savage slaughter in Syria. Talk about injustice. Talk about disproportionality. Twenty. Count them. One against Syria.NTS Note: And WHO is responsible for all those deaths in Syria? Why none other than the Israeli Mossad operation called "ISIS".....The majority of the resolutions against Israel last year were because of Israel's genocide against the Palestinians living in Gaza... Yes, there has been injustice and disproportionality, but it lies in the brutality of the IDF against innocent people... Well, frankly I am not surprised. To borrow a line from Yogi Berra, the late, great baseball player and part time philosopher: When it comes to the annual bashing of Israel at the UN, it’s déjà vu all over again.NTS Note: If this lunatic actually wanted the bashing to stop, then he would stop murdering innocent people.... And the UN has rightfully called into question Israel's lunacy against others as a result...Enough!NTS Note: Again, if he wants the bashing of Israel to stop, then call an end to the pursuit of that sick dream of a "Greater Israel" and actually try to make peace with your neighbours.Thirty one years after I stood here for the first time, I’m still asking: When will the UN finally check its anti-Israel fanaticism at the door? When will the UN finally stop slandering Israel as a threat to peace and actually start helping Israel advance peace? And the same question should be posed to Palestinian leaders.NTS Note: It is not "fanaticism" to want to stand up for innocent nations that have been attacked by Israel..... Again, the man is a liar for Israel does not ever want peace. It wants territory!... And again, Palestinian leaders only want a nation and a future for their own people...When will you start working with Israel to advance peace and reconciliation and stop libeling Israel, stop inciting hatred and violence?NTS Note: Again, this maniac is such a liar.. If he wants to see an end to hatred and violence, then stop Israeli aggression...President Abbas, here’s a good place to begin: Stop spreading lies about Israel’s alleged intentions on the Temple Mount. Israel is fully committed to maintaining the status quo there. What President Abbas should be speaking out against are the actions of militant Islamists who are smuggling explosives into the al-Aqsa mosque and who are trying to prevent Jews and Christians from visiting the holy sites. That’s the real threat to these sacred sites.NTS Note: The Israelis have always wanted to see the mosque on the Temple Mount destroyed AND a new Solomon's Temple put in its place.... The Jews are the ones inciting the violence there... Nutty is lying through his teeth here, but that is not new for this lunatic..A thousand years before the birth of Christianity, more than 1,500 years before the birth of Islam, King David made Jerusalem our capital, and King Solomon built the Temple on that mount. Yet Israel, Israel will always respect the sacred shrines of all. In a region plagued by violence and by unimaginable intolerance, in which Islamic fanatics are destroying the ancient treasures of civilization, Israel stands out as a towering beacon of enlightenment and tolerance. Far from endangering the holy sites, it is Israel that ensures their safety. Because unlike the powers who have ruled Jerusalem in the past, Israel respects the holy sites and freedom of worship of all – Jews, Muslims, Christians, everyone.NTS Note: Again with the falsified history.. There is no archeological proof at all that this "King David" actually ever existed as proven by recent diggings and research... More and more that "history" is proving to be a fraud for the fraudulent "religion" of Judaism.... And NO it has not been Muslim "fanatics" that have been destroying archeological records and treasures, but the Israelis themselves in their vain attempt to destroy any historical records that would prove that the Jewish past is indeed a fantasy...And again, the Israelis have absolutely no right to call Jerusalem their "capital" and to try to make it exclusively "Jewish"....For again it contains historical significance to Christians and Muslims as much as their own, and as well has a large Muslim population which the Jews are trying to remove by forced expulsion.And that, ladies and gentlemen, will never change. Because Israel will always stay true to its values.NTS Note: Yes, Israel's values all right.. The value of committing genocide against its neighbours and   the indigenous people of Palestine...These values are on display each and every day: When Israel’s feisty parliament vigorously debates every issue under the sun. When Israel’s Chief Justice sits in her chair at our fiercely independent Supreme Court. When our Christian community continues to grow and thrive from year to year, as Christian communities are decimated elsewhere in the Middle East. When a brilliant young Israeli Muslim student gives her valedictorian address at one of our finest universities. And when Israeli doctors and nurses – doctors and nurses from the Israeli military – treat thousands of wounded from the killing fields of Syria and thousands more in the wake of natural disasters from Haiti to Nepal.NTS Note: Yes, the Israeli doctors and nurses are treating wounded from Syria all right.. The wounded are ISIS "terrorists" who most surely are Israeli Mossad agents.. And we cannot forget how the Israeli doctors were indeed in Haiti and the incidents where news reporters discovered they were there to harvest organs from victims of the natural disaster like ghouls...This is the true face of Israel. These are the values of Israel.NTS Note: Yes, we see the values of Israel all right.... More wars, bloodshed, genocides, etc...And In the Middle East, these values are under savage assault by militant Islamists who are forcing millions of terrified people to flee to distant shores. Ten miles from ISIS, a few hundred yards from Iran’s murderous proxies, Israel stands in the breach – proudly and courageously, defending freedom and progress. Israel is civilization’s front line in the battle against barbarism.NTS Note: Again, I do sound like a broken record, but these militant Islamists are a fraud simply because ISIS and other 'rebels' are proving again and again to be Mossad or CIA operatives, and/or hired mercenaries paid for by the US... Israel is not civilizations front line against barbarism for the Israelis themselves are proving again and again to be the barbarians....So here’s a novel idea for the United Nations: Instead of continuing the shameful routine of bashing Israel, stand with Israel. Stand with Israel as we check the fanaticism at our door. Stand with Israel as we prevent that fanaticism from reaching your door.NTS Note: I have a real novel idea.. Actually seek peace with your neighbours and the Palestinians, give up your insane want for the Greater Israel, give up your nuclear arsenal that threatens the planet, and actually stop your own fanaticism.... Practice what you preach!Ladies and Gentlemen,NTS Note: Again, I truly believe that he would rather have called them "loyal slaves and minions".....Stand with Israel because Israel is not just defending itself. More than ever, Israel is defending you.NTS Note: Yes, Israel has defended the US and other nations so well.. Like when it defended America when it attacked the USS Liberty on June 8th , 1967 killing 34 and wounding 130 more... Or when it "defended" the Marine barracks back in 1983 in Beirut Lebanon killing several hundred.... Or when it "defended" America on September 11th, 2001 by murdering some 3000 innocent people...... Yes, Israel is absolutely a great nation that "defends" others.... NTS Final Notes:  I honestly could feel the evil dripping off the words that this lunatic was spewing as I typed away with each response... I honestly cannot believe that those UN members that sat in the chamber during this lunatic's speech were able to keep themselves from puking!Basically, this nut is again trying his best at bashing Iran... And he has the nerve of asking for the UN to stop bashing Israel and to stand with that psychotic nation... The nerve of this man is so immense...Yes, the surprising thing about this entire speech is again that 44 second pause right in the middle of this tirade... I am again suspecting that he wanted a response that he did not get and waited the full time to see if anyone would indeed respond.. Once nobody did, he just continued on his merry way with even more lies...Again, just like the load of lies in Barry Soetoro's speech from a few days back, I am glad that this lunatic only goes and does his tirade once a year at the UN....More to comeNTS