Sony to Release ‘The Interview’ on Christmas After All

Having gotten a ton of publicity for the upcoming movie “The Interview” by claiming they were never going to release it, Sony has now announced that they will be releasing the movie on time on Christmas Day.
The movie was previously pulled after hackers threatened to “9/11″ every movie theater that showed it, and several theater chains pulled out. North Korea has denied involvement with the hack, and says they would not attack innocent movie-goers.
President Obama had been critical of Sony for not releasing the movie, a comedy about assassinating North Korean ruler Kim Jong-un. It is still unclear how many theaters will show the movie on time, though the hype surrounding it over the past weeks will likely attract considerable interest.
The hackers who were threatening Sony over the release have also, curiously, clammed up about the matter lately, and with North Korea publicly insisting they have nothing to do with them, their credibility is likely weakened.
