Is Something Huge About To Happen? For The First Time In History, The Criminal State Of Israel Closes ALL Of Its Embassies And Consulates Worldwide!

The world has been teetering on the verge of total economic collapse and possible world war for quite sometime now, and we know that the present economic system is headed to ruination thanks to the Jews and their criminal Usury financial system.  Throughout history, any nation that has ever adopted such a horrific system of crushing debt has always collapsed.  We are about to watch history repeat itself again.But just before the collapse happens, we can be sure that the criminals responsible for the world's demise would make sure that their minions and followers are protected and that they are able to escape their host nations just before they pull the plug on the entire scam, and allow the entire fraud financial system to come crashing down.  They want to make sure that when the world collapses, people everywhere are unable to capture their fellow tribe members to have them strung up on flagpoles and trees everywhere for being guilty of crimes against humanity.Well, it does appear that something huge is about to happen, for according to the following very important video, it appears that the criminal state of Israel has just recalled all their diplomats world wide and have closed all of their embassies and consulates everywhere.  This is the first time in history that the criminal and psychotic state of Israel has taken this type of action, and this should indeed alert everyone that something huge is about to go down.... Here is that video for everyone to watch, and I do have further thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  I have checked all of the so called Jewish media outlets over the last few hours, and there have been absolutely NO reports of this action by the Israelis anywhere... It does appear that these murderous and psychopathic criminals do not want the Gentiles everywhere to get wind that they are about to either pull the plug on the entire financial house of cards and let the entire system come crashing down... That or they are about to launch their latest and very deadly false flag attack somewhere in the world!I have a nagging suspicion that this move by Israel is indeed to have their nation prepared for the latest false flag operation, and that the recent disappearance of Malaysian flight MH370 is part of this plan.... As I stated in my weekend rant, I would not put it past these monsters to use that Boeing 777 as their weapon of choice for their newest false flag attack.... I would recommend that everyone be on alert over the next while, and when that attack does occur, everyone immediately point the blame squarely on the criminal \Israels as the culprits responsible... Be on alert everyone...If there are any follow ups to this latest breaking news, I will hopefully have that here in this blog... Stay tuned... More to comeNTS