So Much For This Fake News Bullshit: Majority Of NTS Hits In Last Few Weeks Were By Russian Readers!

I periodically do keep track of my site hits and watch to see who is reading this blog...For the longest time, my primary audience has been readers in the United States and right here in Canada... But recently I have watched an ever growing trend where more and more my readership are from countries outside of North America...Just in the last few weeks, I found an amazing shift as now the majority of page views and hits at this site are by readers in the Russian Federation (25000 over the last week alone!)... Honestly, I knew that was coming, as the Russians, like everyone else from around the world, are looking for the real truth like so many others and have discovered that I put up material here based on facts, and not fiction.. I have no interest in money or to sell my soul to the devil and put up Jewish controlled garbage.... I cannot be bought and will always tell the real truth here...And of course this is a shot at those who call sites such as mine "fake news"... The people from around the world can see the truth and I look at those who want to suppress the truth by calling it "fake news" to take a hike!  Nobody is fooled any more by your incessant lies and falsehoods and yes, people do yearn for the real truth in their lives...I do want to thank the people of the Russian Federation personally for coming here in their search for what is really happening around our world... This site has some 4000 articles in its archives and feel free at any time to browse that material, and/or copy and paste it to spread it around to others.....And to those who want to continue to promote "fake news" from the liars in the Jew spew media.... You know where you can go...More to comeNTS