Sign the Petition to Free Bradley Manning

Sign the petition
With all the talk about Edward Snowden and the attempts to persecute/prosecute him as a leaker, it’s easy to forget that this battle is already going on with Pfc. Bradley Manning, the source of a large amount of information on US overseas war crimes by way of WikiLeaks.
Manning’s partially-secret military trial is just now getting under way, even though he was arrested in May of 2010 and the Uniform Code of Military Justice explicitly guarantees the right to a speedy trial, which it specifies as 120 days.
During those years of detention Manning was repeatedly subjected to abuse by security forces, with the scandals around his mistreatment at Quantico getting so bad that they actually ended up closing the whole site permanently.
Manning’s crime is materially no different than Snowden’s: a desire to make the American public aware of things we desperately needed to know. 3+ years of pre-trial abuse is already more than enough for that, and it’s time to let Bradley go.
