Should Trump Be Impeached? He Builds The Case Against Himself Tweet By Tweet

If you were watching NBC's Today show Monday, you likely saw Kellyanne Con-man making the case-- a case the Regime makes more and more frequently-- that the media should ignore Trump's tweets. They wish-- but that's how Trump chooses to interact with the American people. When's the last time he held a press conference like a normal president? What the Regime was embarrassed about at the moment was just Trump bothering the mayor of London while he was trying to deal with a terrorist incident-- something likely to lead to Trump being subtly uninvited as a state guest of the U.K.-- but his deceitful, nonsensical babbling about Senate Democrats obstructing his nominees. The aggrieved, victimized Trumpanzee-- like the moron degenerates who support him-- is whining about something he has no understanding of. Imagine this concept: no one's obstructing any nominees because there aren't any nominees. The orange-hued buffoon is too busy golfing and tweeting to nominate them.So far, the worst president in all of American history has nominated only 10 ambassadors, out of 188 positions he's supposed to fill. And what makes that even worse, is that he fired all the ambassadors who were in place without any intention of or plan for replacing them. He'd rather just cry about it and point fingers. In fact, there are only 6 pending ambassadorial appointments wending their way-- in an orderly, responsible fashion-- through the Republican-controlled Senate. And one that horrid wife of New Gingrich, who Señor Trumpanzee is foisting on Pope Francis.Over all, there are 15 Trump appointments waiting confirmation by the Senate-- not just ambassadorial but all jobs-- while 39 have been confirmed. There are still 442 jobs the imbecile hasn't nominated anyone for. Like, for example, the U.S. Attorneys. Eager to further obstruct justice, he suddenly fired all the U.S. Attorneys in the country-- every single one of them-- and forced them to leave their offices immediately. And he had-- and still has-- no replacements lined up. Trump is a danger to the United States. Congress should begin impeachment proceedings. And if the Democrats win back the House in 2018 and Pelosi pulls one of her "off the table" bullshit excuses, she should be unceremoniously fired by the Democratic members from leadership-- and replaced by someone who will do what she won't. Whatever this fiasco cost Vladimir Putin, it was the best investment he ever made in his whole miserable life.