Seriously, Did Satan Send Ted Cruz To Earth To Destroy Humanity?

Thursday John Podesta, Hillary's campaign chair, told a group of the rich stakeholders in the campaign that he thinks Cruz will be the candidate, although he feels Herr Trumpf and Rubio each also has a shot. He didn't mention anything about a fixed convention giving the nomination to Ryan. But Cruz is a good idea and it's been who DWT has called it for since the beginning of time. You can always count on the GOP base-- and this was clearly going to be their election cycle-- to go for the ugliest of all possibilities. The Iowa poll released Saturday seems to confirm that Cruz is well on his way. That reminds me to remind you of something Senator Cruz told his supporters. After Troy Newman had endorsed him, Cruz said that, "He has served as a voice for the unborn for over 25 years, and works tirelessly every day for the pro-life cause. We need leaders like Troy Newman in this country who will stand up for those who do not have a voice."Do we? Most normal people have never heard of Troy Cruz. But, luckily, People for the American Way's RightWingWatch has been keeping track of dangerous extremists like him for years. Newman is the head of Operation Rescue and Rachel Maddow reads RightWingWatch and spreads the word, as you can see in the video up top.The corporate media will never explain how Ted Cruz is building his campaign on the shoulders of dangerous extremists like Troy Newman. Much easier to just talk about polling numbers.

In his statement, Cruz made clear that he was touting Newman’s endorsement because of the activist’s role in creating the hoax videos smearing Planned Parenthood for selling “baby parts” for profits. Following the shooting at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic on Friday, the shooter reportedly told authorities “no more baby parts” after he was apprehended.Newman has not only opined on the governments duty of “executing convicted murderers, including abortionists, for their crimes in order to expunge bloodguilt from the land and people,” but once even claimed that the murderer of an abortion doctor and his bodyguard was a “political prisoner” and victim of “judicial tyranny,” since he was deprived of his “right to present a defense that claimed that the killing of the abortionist was necessary to save the lives of the pre-born babies that were scheduled to be killed by abortion that day.”Newman coauthored his book calling for the execution of abortion providers and the statement defending the anti-abortion terrorist with his Operation Rescue colleague Cheryl Sullenger, who served “time in jail for conspiring to bomb a California abortion clinic in the 1980s” but who has since renounced violence.Newman denounced the Planned Parenthood shooting in Colorado Springs, but his extremist rhetoric towards abortion providers speaks for itself. For example, “Newman has claimed that the 9/11 terrorist attacks and AIDS were both warnings from God about legal abortion in America and attributed a drought in California to the state’s liberal abortion laws, insisting that ‘weather patterns’ and economic instability are connected to legal abortion.”Another activist whose endorsement Cruz’s campaign recently touted, Flip Benham, was convicted of stalking an abortion provider “after passing out hundreds of ‘wanted’ posters with the physician’s name and photo on it.” As Rachel Maddow explained in a recent program, Cruz must explain why he would hail an activist like Newman, a point that speaks volumes following last week’s Planned Parenthood attack.

Cruz embodies a different and more profound brand of evil than Herr Trumpf. No one dismisses him as a buffoon, and he doesn't make the childish gaffes that endear Trumpf to the low IQ-morons who worship at his alter of hateful gibberish. Cruz, unfortunately, has more of an agenda.