Serbian President’s Plane takes Harrowing Plunge- US concerns about Serbian/Russian Cooperation?


An engine on an aging (perception management?) Serbian government plane carrying the president failed on Friday, sending the aircraft into a horrifying 60-second plunge over the Adriatic Sea, according to Serbian officials and news reports.The plane, bound for Rome, safely returned to Belgrade, the Serbian capital, after the pilot managed to steady itThe aircraft, a Dassault Falcon 50, was carrying 10 people, including the president and four political advisers, and it took off from the Belgrade airport at 9 a.m. local time, Mr. Fatic said in a telephone interview. About an hour after takeoff, at an altitude of about 33,000 feet, one of the three engines on the plane stopped working, he said. During the next minute, the plane dropped over a mile.

Stanislava Pak Stankovic, another presidential adviser on board, seemed astonished to have survived the plunge. “Believe me, at one point we were literally dropping like a rock,” she told the newspaper. “We will be celebrating this day as our second birthday.”

Both said a disaster had been averted thanks to the pilot’s “great professionalism” and “exceptional skill.”

The French-built Falcon has experienced five serious malfunctions in recent years (How many recent years? Sufficiently vague reporting, of course)  Mr. Fatic said. He denied that any of the problems were the result of negligent maintenance.

Might the US and company have some concerns when it comes to Serbia?Plane crashes are becoming more frequent and are often associated with assassination attemptsI'm just saying.....Let’s read a few news reports that may have caused the US/NATO war machine some consternation!

US Vice President Joe Biden sped up the process of issuing an invitation to Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic to come to Washington, after the decision by the Serbian government to take part in the May 9 Victory Day commemoration in Moscow, which this year will mark 70 years since the surrender of Nazi Germany at the end of World War Two.

Sources in western diplomatic circles told that the timescale of Vucic's visit to Washington, which was already slated for the coming year, was pushed forward due to US fears about Serbia's close ties and continued cooperation with Russia. 

According to the paper, the call is a reflection of a recent statement from US Secretary of State John Kerry that Serbia is "in the line of fire" between the West and Russia.  

According to the source, the catalyst for Biden's hasty invitation to Washington is the decision by Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic to accept Russia's invitation to attend the May 9 celebrations and the president's April 6 announcement that members of the Serbian armed forces would also take part in the parade on Red Square

"Cooperation with Russia could “intensify” when a Serbian parliamentary delegation visits St. Petersburg for talks that will touch on the Russian-led alliance, said Milovan Drecun, a lawmaker of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party"

Interesting. Timely. Curious.So, one last thought:It's Friday evening! Had the pilot not been as capable as he clearly was & if the Serbian President had perished in the crash, how might the Western news cycle presented this incident, over this entire weekend?EXTREMELY RELEVENT UPDATE!It's being reported that Serbia has threatened to arrest or minimally detain the KLA terrorist- Linked back to Afghanistan & western backed Mujahadeen- Think Carter and Brzezinski, here!- Human trafficker. Organ Trafficker. Presides over the NATO terror state known as Kosovo...   Hashim Thaci-

Relevant flashbacks :

Of course, out of the ashes of that conflict arose the Narco/ Child prostitute/ Organ trafficking state of Kosovo. The new country the US just couldn't wait to "recognize"

 Just days after Kosovo's first independent election since splitting from Serbia in 2008, the country's newly elected prime minister is being accused of heading a "'mafia-like' group responsible for smuggling weapons, drugs and human organs through eastern Europe." The Guardianhas obtained an organized crime report from the Council of Europe which provides incriminating evidence that Hashim Thaci and his criminal group have been involved in the murder and selling the kidneys of several Serbs and have had powerful control over the heroin trade as well as the government for at least the past ten years, since the period leading up to the Kosovo war.

Oh what a tangled web we weave....... From earlier today:

ISIS: Online Campaigns/Slick Productions and Western Connections!