September/October 2016 Issue: John Tiffany – A New Look At The Battle Of Kursk & Has Jack The Ripper Finally Been Unmasked

In today’s show originally broadcast on October 27 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews TBR’s Editor, John Tiffany, to discuss his articles, “A New Look At The Battle Of Kursk & Has Jack The Ripper Finally Been Unmasked?”
I had a joke with John prior to the show, that all the stories of his I had covered up to now, were based on historical events I was unaware of, but having been interested in, “Jack the Ripper,” from a young age, I was finally in a position to put my two cents in on one of his excellent articles.
We went through the Battle of Kursk first, and then spent the bulk of the show going through his Jack the Ripper article. Despite my extensive study of, “Ripperology,” over the years, John had uncovered a great deal of information I was unaware of, which made for an excellent and informative show.
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