Selling NATO Intervention in Syria the R2P way: Save Refugees and Europe

From the Atlantic Council-  How to Reverse Putin’s Damage in Syria By John E. Herbst-  John E. Herbst is Director of the Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center at the Atlantic Council. He served as US Ambassador to Ukraine from 2003 to 2006.For this post I'm ignoring the title and cutting to the chase! When reading this ask yourself, could it be any more clear that ISIS was never the enemy. They were always the proxy, needed to remake the middle east & create 2nd Israel aka Kurdistan.  Read as the demon masquerading as a human suggests the necessary US actions to destroy Syria and change the balance of power on the ground. Target Syrian Arab Army! Target Iranian Forces! Target Hezbollah fighters! Cut supply lines to these allied fighters!. Bomb, bomb, bomb with US Airpower and kill kill kill with 10's of thousands of ground troops- Insanity. War is Insanity.

Here responsibility lies primarily with Washington. With Russia in the game, only the United States has the military power to change the balance of forces on the Syrian battlefield in ways that would alleviate the refugee crisis.

Refresh your memory  Takfiri "Surrender" Key City to Kurdish Militias- Turkey-no ground operation:  No Turkish or Saudi Troops unless the US takes the lead or runs the entire operation themselves!

Such measures would require US air power and tens of thousands of troops. Potential troop contributors might include France and Turkey. This approach would be the quickest way to address the crisis. Unfortunately, with Russian air power dominating the skies of northern Syria, the risk of a military confrontation between the two nuclear superpowers would be substantial.

What if France and Turkey don't want to, or cannot contribute troops in the numbers necessary? John Herbst has a solution.

Another approach might offer fewer risks. Thanks to Moscow’s airpower, the Assad regime enjoys an advantage over US allies. To offset this advantage, the United States could destroy Syrian military hardware, target advancing Syrian, Iranian and Hezbollah forces, and their supply lines. US forces could use precision missile strikes to achieve most of these objectives, reducing the danger of a direct confrontation between the United States and Russia.

Bomb, bomb, bomb- Kill, kill, kill- Wantonly and Indiscriminately - Where is the US going to conduct all these precision missile strikes from. And why didn't they do this to ISIS? (Nevermind on the KurdIShIS!)

With Russian veto-power in the UN Security Council, it is doubtful that the United States and Europe could get UN approval for the operation. But the EU could give a European-wide imprimatur to the operation and the Arab League a Middle Eastern one. 

Such an operation would thwart the Russian mission and have international legitimacy. 

It would give Moscow reason to reconsider its campaign and agree to a superpower ceasefire in Syria that would permit the establishment of safe havens there, and perhaps open the door to US-Russia-EU cooperation on a diplomatic track to end Syria’s civil war.It would have the added advantage of demonstrating to European skeptics the indispensability of the transatlantic alliance to their security. 

It might also help persuade the nations of Europe’s south—who are most immediately threatened by the refugee flow caused by Moscow’s military campaign—that appeasing the Kremlin in the East (Ukraine) is just bad politics.

 The "refugee flow' had it's roots in the US operation against Syria, Iraq, Libya etc.,The refugee flow was aided by the NATO war machine- The refugee flow had it's roots in the creation of Kurdistan aka 2nd Israel.  It's interesting to notice the transfer propaganda being employed. The flow of refugees particularly young fighting men is not something that benefits Russia- Let's go way back to 2012! Reread the post linked below including external linksTo understand the long planned destabilization of Russia, including a breaking up or balkanization, consider how all those Islamist fighters entering Europe figure into this picture

Predicting the Future: The destabilization of Russia

Keeping in mind, of course, the goal of balkanization.As laid out by the Heritage Foundation and one Ariel Cohen Ph.DI am only including excerpts here, it's a big article, linked so you can read it at your leisure

A Threat to the West: The Rise of Islamist Insurgency in the Northern Caucasus and Russia’s Inadequate Response

A threat to the West?  Of course! The rise of "Islamist Insurgency"?  Of course!Russia's Inadequate Response?  Of course!Well you just know someone is going to have to step up to that plate!Who might that be?

From Earlier Today