Selfies Have Killed More People than Sharks this Year

(Natural Society) Shark sightings along America’s coastlines made headlines this summer, and 8 people died after having unfortunate encounters with the fearsome beasts worldwide. But a new report shows that taking selfies proved to be more deadly than shark encounters.
So far this year, 12 people across the globe have lost their lives while trying to snap a photo of themselves in memorable poses. The selfie victims either fell or were struck by cars as they tried to capture what they believed was fun, innocent moment, according to Mashable. [1]
What you won’t find in the report are tales of people who were struck by a rogue asteroid while merely taking a picture with an old pal in a booth at Panera. These are not accidents that probably could have happened to anyone. No, the vast, vast majority of them seem to be the result of overzealousness and under-thinking. (Like, if you’re trying to snap a photo of yourself with a train hurtling towards you in the background. True story.)
The 12th person to die was a Japanese man who tumbled down some steps while taking a selfie, which induced a heart attack. Hideto Uedo, 66, was believed to be taking a photograph at the Royal Gate when he lost his balance, and his life.

Australian tourist Kristi Kafcaloudious fell some 200 meters to her death while trying to snap selfies near a rock face in Norway.
A Singaporean tourist died while trying to take selfies at a bull run, and – perhaps most shockingly – two young men in Russia blew themselves up in January while they took selfies with a hand grenade with the pin pulled out. A Russian teenager also died after he came into contact with live wires while trying to scale a railway bridge in the Ryazan region.
Ironically, no one has died this year while trying to take a selfie with a shark, but it’s only September.
The report notes that, in addition to people trying to snap selfies at bull runs, some parks have closed due to visitors trying to take selfies with bears. And even Tour de France cyclists fear for their safety because of brain-dead spectators trying to get in on the action with their smart phones.
Hair dryers come with warnings not to use them in the bathtub because somewhere out there, someone tried it once. The selfie problem has become so hazardous that the Russian interior minister felt compelled to issue a roadside sign-style leaflet warning that taking a “cool selfie could cost you your life.” [2]

The leaflet advises readers not to take a self-portrait with a gun or a lion. You know, just to be specific.
Additional Sources:
[1] Mashable
[2] Daily Mail