Hi there, Scrutinised Minds is back!
After a long summer break – mainly comprising of research and brainstorming – I decided to reorganise this project around video podcasts instead of long articles. I think that in general people just are more receptive to video journalism, but don’t worry if you are one of those reading fanatics, every podcast will be accompanied by the full transcript with all sources attached to it.
From now on, the website will be primarily organised around podcasts of around 30 minutes. I will most likely still release other shorter videos that will either focus on current affairs or that will give a little more insight to the podcast series, but the degree of deviation from the one episode per month-structure is as of now still uncertain. Indeed, because I overestimated the speed of my internet, the first episode – which will be called ‘The secret society that rules the world’ – will only be released tomorrow on 2 November 2018 instead of today.
I’m super excited to finally get this project off the ground! I hope you are, too.
P.S. I’d like to take this moment to SIRE. for my awesome new logo.