Saudis fear tide of Syrian war turning against their interests?

The mainstream media. Always months behind. Sheesh.Saudis fear tide of Syria war turning against their interestsIf you read here you're one of the aware individuals that already knows Saudi Arabia has taken the wheel of the killing machine in Syria. FT makes it seem as if this is just happening now. It isn't. This change started months ago. The ouster of Morsi. The selection of a pro Saudi leaders for the Syrian opposition.

 Egypt’s army ousted the Islamist president, to plaudits and generous funding from Riyadh; the Syrian opposition elected a new pro-Saudi leadership; and the US seemed poised to launch military strikes on the regime in Damascus that Saudi Arabia has tried to dislodge.The kingdom’s frustration over Washington’s Syria policy has been exacerbated by last month’s chemical weapons agreement, which the Saudis say does little to change the course of the war or hasten the removal of Mr Assad. Analysts say Riyadh believes the Syrian leader and his Lebanese ally, Hizbollah, are part of a plan by Iran to surround Saudi Arabia with loyal Shia allies, including Yemen, Bahrain and Iraq.

My opinion on this scenario is the Obama/good cop vs the Saudi /bad cop Both the US and SA want Assad ousted. So Obama is making a good show of it. And SA is the one that looks to have dirty hands.

“Supporting the rebels is a strategic decision in Saudi foreign policy, like supporting the government in Egypt,’’ said Hussein Shobokshi, a Jeddah-based columnist. “On the ground there is a stepping up of support for the Syrian Free Army. This criminal regime [in Damascus] can export Hizbollah terrorism to us, so it is a matter of national security in the Gulf.’’

Odd Saudi Arabia talking about 'criminal regimes' isn't it? Saudis bankroll new rebel force to fight own war on Assad Seriously this is what passes for the latest news?

Members of the Free Syrian Army fire onSyrian Army positions, during fighting in Aleppo, Syria. Saudi Arabia is forging a new alliance of Islamist rebels in Syria under a pro-Saudi warlord to supersede the U.S.-backed Free Syrian Arm

A new alliance of Islamist rebels. Which really means these are the same hired killers. The same cutthroats. But instead of Qatar in charge and unable to get the job done, the even more ruthless Saudi nation with Bandar at the helm  has stepped into the lead role.

The Saudi strategy has been engineered in large part by head of the General Intelligence Directorate, and his brother Prince Salman, named deputy defense minister by Abdullah in August.Bandar, Abdullah's nephew, was ambassador to the United States for 22 years (1983-2005).

He's a master of Middle Eastern intrigue and played a key role in several covert operations with the Americans, including arming Islamist mujahedin against the invading Soviets in Afghanistan throughout the 1980s.

Yah, yah we know. Bandar is a brute. After all he along with his compatriots in the US and Israel conspired to create the false flag of 9/11. As I stated in the previous post. It is simply amazing how little things change.And two last items for the day:  Egypt strips Muslim Brotherhood of NGO statusI simply can't imagine why the Muslim Brotherhood had NGO status. Or was actually an NGO?NGO should be shunnedEgyptian Election/Selection*General al Sisi: will he run for selection? 

 Though an election is not planned until 2014, a publicity campaign singing Sisi’s praises has been in full swing for several weeks in the North African country. Between TV commercials, groups on social networking sites and posters in the street, Egypt seems to have “al Sisi fever”

Was this every a real question. Isn't this a foregone conclusion?*Fortunately for el Sisi if he does run , Ahmed Shafiq,  has said that he would not run against General Abdul-Fattah Al-Sisi

Shafiq claims that he won the previous election against Morsi and that time would prove this to be true.

One would think that if he felt robbed of his lawful win Shafiq would run again, but, no.