Sara Jacobs Is Back-- And Ready To Drop Another Couple Million Dollars Of Her Parents' Money To Buy A Congressional Seat

The last time Sara Jacobs ran for Congress, it was in the Orange County/San Diego County district that Darrell Issa had abandoned as "too blue." It also turned out to be "too blue" for the Qualcomm heiress. She spent gigantically in the primary-- $2,714,931, of which $2,125,798 (78%) came out of personal money her family gave her. The biggest single candidate expenditure-- by FAR (like nearly by a factor of 10!)-- that EMILY's List made-- $2,362,544-- in 2018 was for Jacobs. They sure love supporting rich women, richer the better, which has become their top priority and their trademark. All those millions of dollars bought her just 28,778 votes. That's $176.43 per vote. At what point will trashy rich politicians like Jacobs just directly hand out $100 bills to voters on their way to the polls?Mike Levin came out on top in that race and is the current congressman, widely judged to be doing a very good job. Jacobs, the heiress who was trying out the life of a Brooklyn hipster-- but not too hip-- had been part of the Hillary Clinton team and that's basically who and what she is-- an overly entitled, spoiled rich kid who thinks her shit doesn't stink and who wants to go to Congress to fight with all her might to-- let's be real-- maintain the status quo... while advancing her own career.The 49th district where she ran last time, doesn't border on the 53rd district, where she's announcing this time-- and neither borders on Brooklyn. CA-52 is between CA-49 and CA-53-- but a someone like Sara Jacobs-- with EMILY's List at her back-- would never let geography stand in her way. Within milli-seconds of New Dem Susan Davis announcing her retirement, EMILY's List had Jacobs' campaign up and running. Jacobs, who has had her whole life handed to her on a silver platter: "This is an all-hands-on-deck time. Our country is at a defining moment, and I believe it’s more important than ever to have representatives who understand the federal government, can repair what’s been broken by the Trump administration and years of dysfunction in Washington, and who have a forward-looking vision for a more equitable future."A friend of mine in Lemon Grove told me she would move out of San Diego if Jacobs is elected. "Jose Caballero is the grassroots progressive candidate here, who's been running for this seat all year on a strong progressive platform. It's funny watching a Hillary neoliberal like Sara Jacobs jump in as soon as it looks easy, flashing her parents' bank account and yelling about all the issues she has never backed, like Medicare-for-All and the Green New Deal. She's going to blanket this district in her family's money and try to buy herself a congressional seat. It makes me want to throw up. I hope people can see right through her. Can you please endorse Jose already?"Watch the speech her EMILY's List controller wrote for her. It has nothing to do with anything except persuading voters the little heiress is something she isn't and will never be:After watching this video, the person who helps find my millions of typos, remarked that "Jacobs has about as much charisma as jello." That was the first non-typo remark in over a year.Now, if you haven't already, please watch the Young Turks interview with Caballero (up top) and you will be able to easily imagine exactly why the Democratic Party establishment will quickly work to obliterate him in favor of a fine house-broken thoroughbred like Jacobs. Caballero wants to challenge their feckless leadership. She wants to revel in it and be part of it and be told what to do by it.Congress already has too many self-funders who have bought themselves House seats-- and they're not all Republicans. These were the biggest self-funders for House seats last cycle, all the ones who spent a million or more of their own money or, in Sara's case, their mommy's and daddy's money:

• David Trone (New Dem-MD)- $17,913,172- won• Scott Wallace (D-PA)- $12,756,892- lost• Gil Cisneros (New Dem-CA)- $9,252,762- won• Kathaleen Wall (R-TX)- $6,169,732- lost (running again in a different district, like Sara)• Paul Kerr (D-CA)- $5,715,218- lost• Mel Hall (Blue Dog-IN)- $3,112,000- lost• George S Flinn Jr. (R-TN)- $3,068,270- lost• Dan Moody (R-GA)- $3,040,237- lost• Andy Thorburn (D-CA)- $2,886,900- lost• Greg Gianforte (R-MT)- $2,400,000- won• Van Taylor (R-TX)- $2,387,125- won• Sara Jacobs (D-CA)- $2,125,798- lost• Perry Gershon (D-NY)- $1,980,997- lost• John Chrin (R-PA)- $1,687,182- lost• Bob Corlew (R-TN)- $1,496,153- lost• Tahir Javed (D-TX)- $1,433,416- lost• Dan Meuser (R-PA)- $1,426,442- won• Thomas MacArthur (R-NJ)- $1,360,000- lost reelection• Dean Phillips (New Dem-MN)- $1,349,561- won• Peter deNeufville (R-NJ)- $1,238,165- lost• David Kim (D-GA)- $1,214,489- lost• Denny Wolff (Blue Dog-Pa)- $1,200,071- lost• Lena Epstein (R-MI)- $1,168,790- lost