Sandy Hook HOAX Blown Wide Open: Fake Noah Pozner Used For Recent Pakistani School Shooting!

Yes it is a new year.... And I truly wanted to start this year's blog articles off with a bang... And I found one that is truly a bombshell....  With this latest evidence, we can all finally state without any doubt that the Sandy Hook "shooting" of December 14th, 2012, was an elaborate operation and a massive fraud imposed on the American people..... Just over two weeks ago, we all heard about a new school "shooting", this time in Pakistan... The reports have still been coming in but it seems that according to Pakistan's news services, some 141 people, including some 132 children were murdered by "Taliban" fighters in a school in Peshawar, Pakistan.   The attack was clearly the deadliest in all of Pakistan's history.... The world wide news services were quickly on the scene and we have been inundated for the last few weeks on the Jew spew media outlets of follow up reports about this massacre and pictures of the victims.....But, believe it or not, there is indeed something strange about this latest shooting, and it has links to the "shooting" at Sandy Hook... For according to this video that was released the other day by Youtube user "Professor Doom" it appears that "Noah Pozner", who was supposedly one of the children who "died" at Sandy Hook has suddenly reappeared as victim "Huzaifa Huxaifa" at this Pakistan school shooting!   I have that video right here for everyone to see for themselves, and my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  If this does not blow Sandy Hook to hell and expose it all as an elaborate hoax and set up, then nothing else will....This puts the Sandy Hook hoax to bed finally as indeed a massive hoax... For these criminals to use the stock photo imagery of "Noah Pozner" and then pass the same image off as "Huzaifa Huxaifa" for the Pakistan school shooting indeed shows that we are being conned....  As Professor Doom states, in BOTH incidents, the criminals simply selected an appropriate picture of a child and have passed it off as both victims.....I am not yet sold on the Pakistani shooting as being a hoax, but this usage of a stock photo of a child for one of the victims there should have sent off warning bells to everyone that something seriously stinks to high heaven....I truly want those, especially Ms. S, Mr. P, and Mr. G, who are still fooling the public with their claims that Sandy Hook was real and we are all wrong, to please explain this.... With the exposure that "Noah Pozner" never existed and they used a "stock photo" for his "death" at Sandy Hook, that means that ALL of the 20 children and 6 other victims,  that were there at Sandy Hook never died as well.....That "shooting" is now blown wide open and proven as being an elaborate operation, and each of those "believers" that continue to promote their lies and try to sell their crappy books can all finally be exposed as frauds and government AGENTS as well.....It is indeed now time for them all to disappear!More to comeNTS