Sandy Hook Exposed: The Realist Report Discusses The Latest On The Sandy Hook Fraud, And Updated Video By Sofia Smallstorm

To this day, I am still shocked that people do NOT see the obvious... That is of course the fact that the "shooting" that occurred over one year ago at Sandy Hook "Elementary" School in Newtown Connecticut was a complete hoax.   I have long said that it was a preplanned and well orchestrated simulated shooting operation that the criminals decided to go "live".   I am also stating again that I am fully convinced more than ever that absolutely NOBODY died in this operation. I want to present the following important link to John Friend's "Realist Report" for today, December 17th, 2013, where John has as his guests, Kelley from Tulsa Oklahoma, and special call in guest Sofia Smallstorm, to discuss new evidence about the Sandy Hook operation that shows definitive proof that it was indeed a massive hoax.... I have that audio link to John's show right here:, I want to present the newest update to Sofia Smallstorm's recent presentation, and my own article, where she exposed the fact that Sandy Hook was indeed a criminal government operation and a hoax on the American people.   This video is entitled: "Sandy Hook - Creating Reality: A TNN Redux Of A Sofia Smallstorm Presentation" and I have it right here for everyone to view for themselves.  I do have my usual thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  OK, First I must state that I may have my own differences with John Friend, but I am putting aside those differences to present this very important latest evidence that exposes the fraud of Sandy Hook.....Both the facts presented by the guests in John's "Realist Report", and of course the latest Sofia Smallstorm updated video, are absolutely dynamite indeed! I too am still learning more about Sandy Hook all the time... Including the fact presented in the audio interview about the port-a-potties that were already in place even before the "shootings".  (something most people do overlook)  And of course the fact that there was no tissue paper in almost all the media interviews with the "family" members for their tears (bad actors with very bad tears of sorrow)!  There will indeed still be naysayers that accuse me and others of being "unsympathetic" to the "survivors" and "surviving family members" from this fraud... I say to them to put aside their brainwashing thanks to the Jewish controlled media that was fully in on this operation from its onset, and look at the evidence......More to comeNTS