Sanders Supporters Plan World’s Largest “Fart-In” During Hillary Clinton’s Acceptance Speech

“Trump says very scary things — deporting immigrants, massive militarism and ignoring the climate. Well, Hillary, unfortunately, has a track record for doing all of those things,” she added.
Clinton boasted at a town hall in New Hampshire in November 2015 that, as a senator, she had voted for 2006 legislation that authorized the building of roughly 650 miles of wall on the border.
“So we see these draconian things that Donald Trump is talking about, we actually see Hillary Clinton doing,” she added.
– From the post: Jill Stein of the Green Party – Clinton Helped Create Trump
As the days and weeks go by, it has become increasingly apparent that many Bernie Sanders supporters will simply never, ever endorse or vote for Hillary Clinton. If anything, the coronation of Hillary was so replete with scheming and dirty tricks, more than a few Bernie supporters who may have been open to a Clinton candidacy a few months ago, now consider themselves diehard Bernie or Busters.
Of course, this is a very good thing. The Democratic Party is clearly too corrupt and beholden to oligarch interests to ever represent the needs of the citizenry. The sooner people recognize this reality and accept it, the better.
In any event, some of these #NeverHillary folks are planning a lighthearted protest at the Democratic convention in July in the form of the world’s largest “fart-in.” No this is not a joke — heavyweights such as Chris Hedges will be intimately involved in the festivities.
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