The San Bernardino California Shooting Is A Fraud: RedsilverJ Video Reveals The Fakery In Great Detail

Honestly, I just do not get it?  I just spent the last 10 minutes actually looking at that ridiculous Jew spew media outlet on the Talmudvision called 'CNN'  before my brain melted, and they are of course harping the San Bernardino "shooting" as being real with real victims.... It is so remarkable to watch the so called "reporters" on that poor excuse for a network actually sit there and spew their garbage with such straight faces.......To me, the real victims from this fraud are the gullible American people that are again being pushed to accept "gun control" legislation and give up their last line of defence against their own crooked government....And here comes the videos from some great truth seekers who are working at exposing this and other shootings as frauds... Right now, I want to present the following video from RedsilverJ that although only over 2 minutes long absolutely blows holes in the entire San Bernardino shooting... Here is that video, with of course many more to come....I do of course have my thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: RedsilverJ has produced some fabulous videos before that blew away the other fraud shootings and this one is indeed dynamite.....I will post his follow up reports when they become available here for all to see....And about those lying POS "news outlets" like CNN?  It is no shock to me that they have been losing so much of their viewership, for nobody likes a liar.....I will of course do my best to continue to present the evidence of this fraud at this site for all to see with more articles to come... Stay tuned...More to comeNTS