The San Bernardino California Shooting Is A Fraud: Driverless Remote Control Patsy Mobile Proven

Yes, this site has still been under attack over the last while.... It is so obvious that someone is extremely pissed off by the material I am presenting here, especially about the fraudulent San Bernardino California fraud shooting.... All they have done is to irk me to the point that I will continue to produce the evidence that we are again dealing with a false flag on the American public and the entire world...Right now, I want to present the updated information from fellow researcher, Jim Stone, who of course writes the site: Jim Stone Freelance, at It shows the evidence that the SUV that was driven by the PATSIES who were murdered by the police in that intersection "shootout" in San Bernardino California shortly after they "allegedly" shot up that center full of disabled people, was indeed a police SUV that was driven by remote control.... Here is that updated information here:



From THIS VIDEO I captured the SUV as you see it to the left here (it is in the very first part of the video where the SUV is being filmed from the street, where the scenes are changing so fast they are practically flickering) and I then pulled the capture into GIMP which is a free image editor that is as powerful as Photoshop (if not more powerful) that you can download for Windows, Mac, and Linux HERE for ABSOLUTELY FREE and prove I am not making this up. With the levels editor in Gimp I pulled all 3 arrows down to the dark end of the dynamic range with a small space between pointers and then moved the center slider around until it hit the correct range in the capture to show the seat was there, and empty. The levels adjustment, when used this way, expands the dynamic range to make subtle differences you can't see in the image when viewed normally pop out of the murk. Trolls smashed the inbox saying I faked the seat image. FINE. All I can say is if anyone is too lazy to download a video, pause it in the right spot, capture that frame, and pull it into a free image editor I have linked here for them so they don't even have to look for it I can't help them and they can stuff it.  As you can see from the processed capture below, THE DRIVERS SEAT IS EMPTY.  This is the other item that has someone pissed: HEADLIGHT FLASHERS IN VIDEO PROVE "SHOOTERS" DROVE POLICE SUV This vehicle could not have possibly been acquired and driven by our patsies because the front emergency lights are flashing white in the video. Only police vehicles are allowed to have that ability, normal cars are required to flash YELLOW, BY LAW. QUESTION: How did our Muslim terrorists manage to drive a restricted "law enforcement only" vehicle? NTS Notes:  Lets face the facts here.. .Everything about this "shooting" stinks to high heaven.... It is also no wonder that the Jew spew media has been so caught up in the lies that they seem to constantly be changing their stories on the fly.... It is also so sad that these two victims of that "shooting" Syed Farooq and of course Tahseen Malik, were obviously set up to take the fall and were either ALREADY dead when they were loaded into that remote control police SUV for that "high speed" chase in San Bernardino, or were murdered by the hail of gunfire at that intersection full of SWAT teams and local police as part of the set up.....But we have seen the US government set up patsies before for their "shootings" and "bombings"... The Boston Marathon fake "bombing" is one of the best examples where the two brothers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, were set up to take the fall for that incident and were completely innocent of any wrong doing...Yes, the US Government will indeed continue with these fake "shootings" and "bombings" until they get what they want.. The guns of the American people... I do wonder if the American people will ever wake up?More to comeNTS