Sales of US (and British) Arms FUEL the Arab State Wars

First a bit of a rant:As has been said previously, if not ISIS, the western warmongering nations will simply create/conjure some other 'terror' group/enemy to justify the very actions they themselves have already planned for. One very strong motivation to create the conditions for near endless war is of course, the generation of profits for the military, industrial, oil, banking complex.That obvious, goes without needing to be said, FACT, is made abundantly clear in the article below: Sales of US arms fuels the wars of Arab states via CNBCIt's quite clear conditions are being created for a vastly larger conflict Of course, I will highlight the interesting bits. 

 To wage war in Yemen, Saudi Arabia is using F-15 fighter jets bought from Boeing. Pilots from the United Arab Emirates are flying Lockheed Martin's F-16 to bomb both Yemen and Syria. Soon, the Emirates are expected to complete a deal with General Atomics for a fleet of Predator drones to run spying missions in their neighborhood.

As the Middle East descends into proxy wars, sectarian conflicts and battles against terrorist networks, countries in the region that have stockpiled American military hardware are now actually using it and wanting more. The result is a boom for American defense contractors looking for foreign business

 Last week, defense industry officials told Congress that they were expecting within days a request from Arab allies fighting the Islamic State — Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Jordan and Egypt — to buy thousands of American-made missiles, bombs and other weapons, replenishing an arsenal that has been depleted over the past year.

 The United States has long put restrictions on the types of weapons that American defense firms can sell to Arab nations, meant to ensure that Israel keeps a military advantage against its traditional adversaries in the region. But because Israel and the Arab states are now in a de facto alliance against Iran, the Obama administration has been far more willing to allow the sale of advanced weapons in the Persian Gulf, with few public objections from Israel.

Israel and the Arab state in a de facto alliance against Iran- The GCC nations and Israel have long been in a defacto alliance!

 "When you look at it, Israel's strategic calculation is a simple one," said Anthony H. Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. The gulf countries "do not represent a meaningful threat" to Israel, he said. "They do represent a meaningful counterbalance to Iran."

The Gulf countries, like their NATO/Israeli/Sunni Kurd irregular fighters, are no threat to Israel.They have been allied for a good long while now. All talk of Israel being surrounded by hostile neighbours, perpetually threatened and portrayed as 'victim', are total perception management claims to justify Israel's barbarity.

 The region's turmoil, and the determination of the wealthy Sunni nations to battle Shiite Iran for regional supremacy, will lead to a surge in new orders for the defense industry's latest, most high-tech hardware.

 Saudi Arabia spent more than $80 billion on weaponry last year — the most ever, and more than either France or Britain — and has become the world's fourth-largest defense market, according to figures released last week by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, which tracks global military spending. The Emirates spent nearly $23 billion last year, more than three times what they spent in 2006.

Qatar, another gulf country with bulging coffers and a desire to assert its influence around the Middle East, is on a shopping spree. Last year, Qatar signed an $11 billion deal with the Pentagon to purchase Apache attack helicopters and Patriot and Javelin air-defense systems. Now the tiny nation is hoping to make a large purchase of Boeing F-15 fighters to replace its aging fleet of French Mirage jets. Qatari officials are expected to present the Obama administration with a wish list of advanced weapons before they come to Washington next month for meetings with other gulf nations.

 The money spent on mass destruction, redirected, could ensure that not one child on this planet ever went hungry- And we're supposed to believe the psycho elites we allow to lead us, really care?!Come on people!

American defense firms are following the money. Boeing opened an office in Doha, Qatar, in 2011, and Lockheed Martin set up an office there this year. Lockheed created a division in 2013 devoted solely to foreign military sales, and the company's chief executive, Marillyn Hewson,(I always wonder if she is related to Mr Globalist:  Paul Hewson aka Bono?) has said that Lockheed needs to increase foreign business — with a goal of global arms sales' becoming 25 percent to 30 percent of its revenue

American intelligence agencies believe that the proxy wars in the Middle East could last for years, which will make countries in the region even more eager for the F-35 fighter jet, considered to be the jewel of America's future arsenal of weapons.

 But with the balance of power in the Middle East in flux, several defense analysts said that could change. Russia is a major arms supplier to Iran, and a decision by President Vladimir V. Putin to sell an advanced air defense system to Iran could increase demand for the F-35, which is likely to have the ability to penetrate Russian-made defenses.

 "This could be the precipitating event: the emerging Sunni-Shia civil war coupled with the sale of advanced Russian air defense systems to Iran," Mr. Aboulafia said. "If anything is going to result in F-35 clearance to the gulf states, this is the combination of events."

At the same time, giving the gulf states the ability to strike Iran at a time of their choosing might be the last thing the United States wants. There are already questions about how judicious Washington's allies are in using American weaponry.

"A good number of the American arms that have been used in Yemen by the Saudis have been used against civilian populations," said Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association, an assertion that Saudi Arabia denies.

If the US was even slightly concerned about massive civilian casualties, in any country, their arms makers would not be selling weapons. The US would not be refuelling the Saudi planes that drop the American made bombs. The US would not be supplying logistical assistance to aid the strikes with American made weapons, on civilians.Video that accompanies the above article: