A Sad Day For Everyone: Dave McGowan Has Passed Away

I am sad to report tonight that a fellow truth seeker, Dave McGowan, has passed away as of yesterday...Dave reported online months ago that he was suffering from the ravages of Cancer and was undergoing 'treatments' for the disease... However the disease continued to progress and he finally fell into a coma as of last Friday..... He passed away at 1247pm Pacific Standard Time Sunday...Dave did a lot of work on revealing the weird occurrences and secretive (MK Ultra) experiments during the 1960's at 'Laurel Canyon' just outside of Los Angeles California ... His findings about the so called 'counterculture' of Laurel Canyon resulted in his book "Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon"....And some of his findings and startling revelations about Laurel Canyon are readily available online as well (good example here).....Dave also did his own research into exposing the fraud of the September 11th attacks on America, calling them a fraud almost from the very beginning.....But to me his best work were his reports on the fraud of NASA's Project Apollo manned landings on the moon in his "Wagging The Moondoggie" series that is definitely a must read by everyone, and is also available online (See Dave's website link to "Wagging the Moondoggie" here).......RIP Dave, you will be missed by everyone....More to comeNTS