Russo-Syrian alliance inflicts “biggest defeat of ISIS in 3 years”

With the assistance of the Russian Aerospace force, the Syrian Arab Army has broken the three year long ISIS siege of the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor as food, medicine and aid now flow in to the region.
Since then, Russia has confirmed the death of the self-proclaimed ISIS emir/leader of Deir ez-Zor along with 40 ISIS leaders who all perished when Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed their underground layer on the outskirts of Deir ez-Zor city.
Today, news came in that the Syrian Arab Army is now in control of Deir ez-Zor’s military airport which ISIS has occupied for three years.
The rapid advance of the Syrian Arab Army in what was the last major ISIS stronghold in Syria means that the conflict in Syria is closer than ever before to being declared over and won by the Syrian Arab Republic.
The Russian Defence Ministry released a statement on today’s new victories which underscores the monumental nature of the defeat of the most feared terrorist organisation in modern history,

“Syrian government troops, with the support of the Russian Air Force, achieved a serious success, inflicting a devastating defeat on Daesh units in the area of the city of Deir ez Zor, which exceeding in scale all previous victories over the past three years.
Currently, the government troops under the command of Gen. Suheil Hassan together with the units, which had been under the siege at the Syrian military airbase, are widening the corridor between the airfield and Deir ez-Zor, carrying out successful military actions on flanks”.

It is becoming increasingly clear that whereas three years ago, it seemed as though Syria might fall to terrorists as Iraq partly did previously, that instead, Syria is a country that has successfully resisted would-be regime change at the hands of US backed terrorists.
To this end, while the US supports many terrorist factions in Syria, it has consistently denied supporting ISIS. However, recent reports of US Air Force helicopters evacuating ISIS fighters from Deir ez-Zor have made many question this narrative.
Retired US Air Force Lieutenant Karen Kwiatkowski has described the situation in the following way,

“Certainly, we are rescuing our allies. But to some extent, we are preserving people who have worked with us, people that are dealing with the financial aspects of our aid to Daesh, because that’s what’s going to be looked at in the autopsy of this operation. People are going to be saying: where did the money flow? Who knew about it? What was the American role? Americans will be asking that question too, not just the world”.

The picture this paints is that the CIA is still covertly aiding terrorists, including ISIS at the same time as Syria and Russia cooperate in inflicting seismic defeats on the group.
This reality was insultingly denied by Barack Obama’s Secretary of Defence, Ash Carter, who earlier this year said that Russia is “doing nothing” to fight ISIS.
This patent lie could not be further from the truth. The reality is that Syria and Russia are together scoring victories which aim to remove ISIS from the face of the earth, something which ought to be celebrated as a great victory for civilisation over barbarism.
The post Russo-Syrian alliance inflicts “biggest defeat of ISIS in 3 years” appeared first on The Duran.
