Russians storm Odesa police station, free 67 activists + Newest updates on New Cold War

Russians storm Odesa police station, free 67 activists

04 May 2014 Pro-Russian militants stormed a Ukrainian police station in Odesa on Sunday and freed nearly 70 fellow activists as the prime minister blamed police corruption there for dozens of deaths in rioting on Friday. “Russians won’t abandon their own!” militants chanted as they smashed windows and broke down the gate at the compound, where comrades had been held since Friday’s mayhem. Others shouted “Russia! Russia!” and “we will not forgive!” Odesa police said 67 activists were allowed to walk free. Some officers were offered the black and orange St. George’s ribbon, a Russian military insignia that has become a symbol of the revolt, and were cheered by the crowd of several hundred.

Dozens of FBI, CIA agents in Kiev ‘assisting Ukraine security’
04 May 2014 Numerous US agents are helping the coup-appointed government in Ukraine to “fight organized crime” in the south east of the country, the German newspaper Bild revealed. According to the daily, the CIA and FBI are advising the government in Kiev on how to deal with the ‘fight against organized crime’ and stop foment the violence in the country’s restive eastern regions.

Moscow: Kiev and western sponsors directly responsible for bloodshed in E.Ukraine
03 May 2014 Kiev’s government and its western allies bear full responsibility for the recent bloodshed in Ukraine, Russia’s presidential spokesman has said, adding it is now impossible to convince people in the region to disarm because their lives are under threat. Spokesperson for Russian President Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Peskov, released an official statement following the tragic events in Odessa. 39 anti-government activists have died in a fire at the Trade Unions House there, after the building was set ablaze by pro-Kiev radicals. Some anti-Kiev protesters burned to death, while others suffocated or jumped out of windows, the Ukrainian Interior Ministry said.

Dozens injured, fatalities on both sides in ongoing military op in Slavyansk (VIDEO)
$10,000 a head: Radicals put a bounty on UK journalist in Ukraine
Moscow releases ‘White Book’ on human rights abuses in crisis-torn Ukraine

Germany to thwart internal NSA probe – reports
US Media Covers Up Mass Murder in Odessa

