Russians propose to name street after Donald Trump

Several hundred Russians have already signed a petition proposing to name a street in the City of Ryazan after America’s incoming 45th president. In the petition Donald Trump is described as a “friend of Russia” and a man who “defends traditional values”.
One of the petition organizers, Sergey Bizyukin, has called it a sign of goodwill, which demonstrates the desire of ordinary Russian people for friendly and sustainable relations between Russia and the United States.
Ryazan is situated 125 miles southeast of Moscow on the Oka River and has a population of about 500,000. Its major industries are electronics and oil refining.
According to a CNN report, “many in Ryazan say they believe that a Trump administration will foster ties with Russia, building on a good personal relationship between Russian President Vladimir Putin and President-elect Trump.”

Indeed, people in Ryazan are echoing a view held by Russians across the entire country. People are sick and tired of the Cold War mentality. They don’t view the US as an enemy and quite frankly don’t understand why past US administrations have gone out of their way to create friction between our countries.
The election of Donald Trump has been viewed in Moscow and beyond with renewed optimism for US-Russia relations. President Putin has stated on numerous occasions that he is ready for dialogue with the new US administration. Likewise, Donald Trump has also made clear that only “fools or stupid people” would stand against US-Russian friendship.
While Ryazan’s city council says streets cannot be named after people who are still alive, organizers of the petition are not concerned. The proposal was a means to attracting attention to the subject of US-Russia relations, and to encourage a broader discussion on ways to improve ties.
The petition is a mere reflection of the genuine respect people in Russia hold for Donald Trump and the idea of a US-Russia rapprochement.
The post Russians propose to name street after Donald Trump appeared first on The Duran.
